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"2 hours!" I scream. "2 hours until it starts!"

"Relax Annabeth," Leo says. "we've got two hours."

I want to kill that short little man so bad.

"Exactly Leo, we've got two hours. Hair isn't done. Makeup isn't done. No ones dressed! We all overslept and we have a wedding IN 2 HOURS!"

"Chill babe," He says putting his arm around me. "you need a drink." He hands me a flask out of his pocket.

"Did you sleep with that in your pants?"

"Yea," He takes a sip. "weddings are boring I wanted to spice it up a little."

"PERCY!" I scream.

"Got it." He says coming from the bathroom, his long black hair a mess. "I'll babysit Leo."

"Hey! I do not need babysat!"

"You do." Me and Percy said at the same time.

"Okay listen up people!" I stand on the hotel bed where I slept. "We all over slept, this wedding starts in two hours, now this is what we're gonna do. Frank, Leo, Will, Nico and Percy, go to one of your hotel rooms preferably Will and Nico's it's the cleanest."

"I do not appreciate the gay man equals clean room stereotype." Will says.

"Percy, Leo, Frank, are any of your rooms clean?" I ask.

"Not at all." Percy replies.

"Nope." Frank says.

"I found a rat in mine!" Leo exclaims.

"Got it." Will says.

"Go to Will's hotel room at get changed. 10:30 at the latest I want everyone in there places."

"Come on guys." Will has them follow him down the hallways to his and Nico's room.

"Okay now you girls listen up." I say. "Get your makeup done first, Olympus forbid if we got makeup on any of our clothes. Piper," I gesture to her. "you're the best at makeup please do Hazel's."

"On it."

We all did simple looks, nude lips, a touch of highlight and blush, a bronze eye look with purple eyeliner.

"Pipes-" I looked at the makeup done on Hazel, she looked amazing.

"I know I could've done better but Hazel wanted something simple."

"Shut up." I told her. "It looks amazing."

Hazel had gold eyeshadow and a deep purple lip. She looked like she was glowing in the light of the window.

"Annabeth is right Piper." Hazel said inspecting her makeup in the mirror. "It looks absolutely stunning!"

"It's not hard when it's someone as beautiful as you Haze." Piper kissed the top of Hazel's head.

"Uh, a little help in here." Thalia calls.

"What?" I go to inspect what's happening in the other room and I breakout laughing.

"She made me look like a clown!" Thalia says pointing accusingly to Reyna.

"I tried my best! You kept moving." Reyna says slapping Thalia's shoulder lightly.

Thalia had skin colored eye shadow all the way to her eyebrows, her eyeliner was almost to her hairline, and her lips were 6 shades to dark.

"Reyna," Piper says shaking her head. "honey give me the makeup brushes."

The Summer of Beauty, Brains, & BruisesWhere stories live. Discover now