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"Thanks Leo!" I shout at him as I step out of his overly modified car, I have no idea what the original car was at this point.

"No problem Pipes, give Annabeth a hug for me okay?"

"Will do, see ya tomorrow."

"Yep, don't be to hungover."

"Hey when have I ever not been completely graceful when hungover?"

"The time you puked on me."

"No, that was on purpose."


"Goodnight Leo." I said walking away.

Leo and I go out clubbing (the dancing thing not the weapons thing) together sometimes and we always alternate who's the designated driver.

I walked up to the 4th floor, my apartment, when I walked in and I didn't see Annabeth and I started getting scared.

Now in New Rome we don't usually have as many monster attacks but you never know.

I walked in my bedroom, and there on my bed is Miss. Annabeth Chase.

Her blonde curls a mess, a cardigan and shorts on.

She clearly just came home and passed out. Which I thought was a good idea.

So I plopped myself down next to her and promptly fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up with Annabeths fist in my mouth.

I licked it.


Some not human sound came out of Annabeths mouth. Neither of us were morning people.

"Morning beautiful."

"Aw you dressed up for our sleepover how thoughtful."

She was referring to my sparkly black low cut dress, I never took off from last night. Which was now riding up my ass.

"Har har, you know you would look hot in it."

It was what we did, flirted and bantered with each other, I know Annabeth Chase would never be caught in a dress as reveling as this, not cause she was ashamed of her body, she was hot and she knew it. She just had no reason to she hates going out unless you get her drunk.

"Oh shut up McLean."

"No listen if you're living here for the summer rent free you have to go out with me a least a couple times."

"I always go out with everyone Tuesday."

"That doesn't count we go to some quiet bar on a TUESDAY, there's no one there."

"Whatever Pipes I just need to get changed, we still have coffee today with everyone."

"Uh, is he coming?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes at me, "You can say his name, and yes Percy will be there. I told you it wasn't messy it's just a break for the summer."

I looked at her skeptically. "Okay whatever go get changed."

She is so insufferable.

Black cargo pants and a pink cropped tank.

"No." I told her directly.


"You're seeing your ex for the first time and that's what you're wearing? Come on I don't dress up but still."

"Oh shut up Piper, you're gonna wear the same thing, ripped jeans and a crop top with a baseball jersey."

She was right, that was the outfit I had planned.

The Summer of Beauty, Brains, & BruisesWhere stories live. Discover now