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This is what happened.


Nico was sleeping over at Will's place in LA. 

Nico had promised to water Piper's plants and had an alert on his phone. Well in the morning Nico was fast asleep and Will saw the notification. Will didn't know what was happening with me and Piper so this ended up happening.

"Hey Percy!" Will said as Percy picked up the phone. 

"Hey Will, what's up?"

"Well Nico is watering Piper's plants while she's away and I know you don't live that far and I kinda wanted to keep Nico in LA for just a bit longer. So could you maybe water the plants? If you have a key of course."

"Uh yea sure. Ya know Annabeth's staying with Piper, I didn't know they weren't home. Do you know where they went?" Percy asked.

"New York, I'm assuming they're visiting camp."

"Ah, gotcha. But yea I got the plants, have fun you two. Use protection." Percy said jokingly.

"Well you know you actually still have to use protection with another guy cause-"

"La, la, la, la, I don't wanna know, goodbye." Percy hung-up and headed towards Piper's.

This is where everything went wrong.

You know how earlier I said me and Piper hadn't cleaned up our mess from the night before? And the reason we had Nico water the plants is because anyone with half a brain could figure out we were sleeping together? Yea.

Percy walked into the apartment and the first thing he saw was a Queen shirt on the floor. Clearly mine, and a pink Hello, Kitty shirt. Clearly Pipers. 

To make it better after he watered the plants in the living room he went into Piper's bedroom. Shorts and bras were thrown everywhere. Bras that he has seen on me before. Bras that were definitely my size. Which he would know. 

Then, Percy bent down to pick up a blue bra he had bought me for my 20th birthday. As he bent down he saw a dark blob of cloth under the bed. When he picked it up, it was reveled to be Percy's blue hoodie. 

Recap, he walks into the apartment his ex-girlfriend is staying at, finds her and her roommates shirts in the living room, then goes into the bedroom finds bras and shorts everywhere. A bra he knows is said ex-girlfriend's then his own hoodie shoved under the bed.

To make everything better, Percy ran into the guest bedroom as if trying to prove to himself all the other evidence his ex was fucking her best friend was merely a coincidence. 

When he did go into the guest bedroom, he found a fully made bed, empty drawers, empty closet, absolutely no sign that someone has lived in that room, ever.

Percy isn't dumb, he could piece everything together. He knew. He knew all of it. 


Then it got worse.


Percy stormed into Leo's apartment.

"Yo, yo, dude?" Leo said standing up from the couch where he was watching re-runs of Friends, "Did the ocean forget to wave back of something?"

"Piper has been fucking Annabeth." He looked like he wanted to murder Leo even though this was new news to Leo.

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