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"Has anyone seen Annabeth?" I asked a group of people huddled near the corner.

"Lost your girl?" Leo asks.

"Yea, we danced a bit then she went to read and I haven't been able to find her."

"I think I saw her go to the bathroom a while ago." Frank says. "The one on the third floor."

"Okay subtle brag Zhang." I say and I head up to the third floor.

"What. Kind. Of. Psychopaths. Have. Three. Flights. Of. Stairs." I'm out of breath by the time I'm on the third floor.

Hey you try running up 3 flights of stairs with heels and a dress.

I also refuse to work out with Annabeth, that could contribute to it as well.


I approach the bathroom, the door is wide open lights off.

I step in to touch up my makeup.

As I dab at my highlighter in the mirror I catch something in the corner of my eye.

The trash can.

Okay let me explain.

There was something bright in there, I don't usually look through peoples trash cans.

But when I would look through trash and I actually found some good stuff.

Especially in rich neighborhoods.

Please don't ask how I know that.

I walked over to the trash can.

Holy Hades.

A positive pregnancy test.


Oh my gods.

It has to be Hazel she just got back from her honeymoon.

Oh my gods I'm gonna be an aunt.

Okay I know not really, but I don't care that child will call me Aunt Piper.

I can't wait to tell Annabeth, oh my gods.

Speaking of which I still needed to find that girl.

I am not trudging around this multi-million dollar mansion trying to find her.

Seriously though, I thought Percy and Annabeth's penthouse was giant. This is unbelievable.

I called her.

"Hey this is Annabeth leave a message."

Straight to voicemail.

Probably just dead, she never had her phone charged.

I walked around a bit longer until I ran into Hazel and Leo who were in the game room playing billiards.

"Hey Pipes." Leo says. "You come to watch me smoke Hazel?"

"Well she probably shouldn't be smoking." I wink at Hazel who gives me a very confused look.

"Okay," Leo says. "you're acting weird."

"I am not." I move closer to Hazel. "So you have a lot of extra bedrooms in the house huh?"

"Yea," She says queuing up her ball. "you're welcome to stay anytime you like."

"Well I don't know if you'd want that. Don't you want extra bedrooms for kids?"

Hazel laughs, "Maybe, but not for a while."

"I guess we don't get to choose what happens sometimes."

"Piper are you high? And if so can I have some?" Leo says.

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