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After I graduated from New Rome I started traveling.

I sold my apartment, to many memories I didn't want to haunt me at night.

I work for the United Nations, I get to travel to other countries meeting new people discovering new things.

Back in New Rome Annabeth and Percy had a daughter. Her name is Darcy Selina Jackson-Chase.
They're getting married in a year, they waited since they want Darcy to be the flower girl.

Leo and Anthony are living together now. They adopted a daughter and are in the process of adopting another.

Will and Nico got married, it was a quiet small ceremony in their backyard.

Percy is a marine biologist in New York now.

Annabeth is an big time architect, she redesigned basically all of Manhattan.

Leo had his own engineering firm.

Frank and Hazel are still pretors but Hazel now has her own clothing line.

Will is in medical school.

Nico is now running Camp Jupiter.

And I'm traveling, as much as I can.

New York, DC, Pakistan, Senegal, Nigeria, Chad, South Korea, Jamaica, India, Guam.

I love it.

I still visit California all the time.

Not to visit anyone.

Well not anyone living anyway.

My cell phone rings, Annabeth, I pick up.


"Hey Piper!" Annabeth's clear voice rings through the phone. "Are you gonna be in New York any time soon?"

"Nah," I say. "but I'm in the States so I can make a trip if you need."

"No rush," I hear giggling from her end of the line. "Darcy honey, I'm on the phone, yes, yes, okay, Percy!" She shouts. "Give Darcy back her legos! No, Percy. She was playing with them first. Sorry, Percy is still mentally a 6 year old."

"Aw he matured, he was only mentally 5 last time I saw him."

She laughs, the sound that still echos in my head every second of the day.

"Uh, anyway," I say. "why did you call?"

"Oh right, well," She exhales. "me and Percy decided we wanna get married next summer so, I wanted to ask you to me my maid of honor."

My heart dropped.

I knew.

I knew she was engaged, I knew this day would come.

When I met Darcy and she called me "Aunt Piper" I knew it would happen.

No matter how much you prepare yourself for the person you love moving on, officially closing the door of any chance at a romantic relationship, you never are ready.

Maid of Honor.

"I'd love too!" I say more enthusiastically then I feel. Or look for that matter. My face is completely neutral, since I found out having mental breakdowns when driving gets you awkward looks. Like yes I'm not mentally stable look away buddy and let me sob to Taylor Swift in peace.

"Perfect!" Annabeth exclaims. "I'm so so excited! I miss you a lot, and Darcy does too. Please come visits us next time you're near New York okay?"




"Good, I'll text you later! Take care of yourself Pipes."

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