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I looked at the calendar.


I try to coverup the red markings with something but Piper just HAD to write "ANNABETH'S 22ND BIRTHDAY" in large red ink.

"Happy birthday babe." Piper said from behind me as if she was summoned by my hatred for the day.

Piper wrapped her arms around my waist and placed her head on my shoulder both of us looking at the calendar.

"Thanks darling," I said placing my hands on top of hers and resting my head onto her dark chopped hair, "can we please not do anything for it?"

Piper stepped back as if offended by my introverted tendencies, "Why? It's your 22nd birthday, it's your Taylor Swift birthday."

"I thought that would be my 13th birthday."

"Well yea but you were fighting Polyphemus during that."

"True. But listen," I grabbed her hands, "I'm not in the mood to do a big party or really celebrate. Aw yay I didn't die another year congrats to me," She smiled that cheeky grin I always loved. "But I just don't wanna go out."

"Annabeth, as much as I love just staying in with you. I kinda already planned a whole thing and everyone's already in on it and I can't cancel it now soooooo," I stared at her, "Sorry!" She kissed my cheek. It's always cute when she would do that since she's shorter she would roll onto her tip-toes just a bit. "Now go get ready!" As is turned to go to the bathroom she smacked my ass, I turned around a stared at her.


"Nothing!" She said smiling.

Oh gods I was gonna hate today.

I changed into a yellow and blue UCLA sweatshirt and blue jean shorts. I threw my hair into a ponytail and called it a day.

But as I stepped out of the bathroom the look Piper was giving me was not having it.

"Ugh fine." I went back into the bathroom.

"Better?" I had a powdered blue puff sleeve top, a long brown skirt, a brown belt, and white Nike shoes. My hair was pulled back in a low bun.

"Yes." Piper came and kissed my cheek.

She looked, wow, she had a long white dress, a small brown corset surrounding her waist. Her black fringe bangs peaking out of her brown bandana.

She grabbed my hand, "Come."

We walked to the coffee shop and bookstore, waiting inside was Hazel and Reyna. They were sitting in our usual spot, at my usual place there was my favorite coffee. Hot and black.

As I sat down I was told "Happy Birthday" from Hazel and Reyna.

"Reyna! I'm so glad to see you again." I said.

"Likewise Annabeth." Reyna said, even now as a hunter she seemed so much like a Preator, strong, confident and serious.

Hazel slipped me a card, as I opened it I saw a $50 gift card for the bookstore.


"Go!" Hazel said laughing, "Get your books!"

"Hurry!" Piper said as I was headed towards my favorite section, "We have a schedule!"

As I picked up Wilder Girls, out of the horror section I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Okay, okay Pipes I'm coming."

"Oh don't treat me like Piper that would be awkward."

I turned around, staring at me, sky blue eyes, jet black hair, and a beaming smile.

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