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It's been 7 hours now.

I have no idea if wedding receptions usually go that long or if just a bunch of drunk, ADHD ridden demi-gods party to much.

Probably the latter.

I can't find Annabeth anywhere.

I was hanging with Leo for a while but he went to find Jason.

Leo has been the happiest I've ever seen him since Jason was here.

I'm to scared to talk to him.

For a lot of reasons.

I think he always knew I loved Annabeth.

He always knew I would sneak glances of her.

He always knew I would pretend his blonde hair was hers.

And I can't face that.

I can't face the fact I dragged him around while I tried to figure myself out.

I did to him what Annabeth is doing to me.

Accept he didn't know there was a deadline.

Yea that's why I'm avoiding him.

The other reason is to depressing to think about.

"PIPER MCLEAN." Leo's unmistakable voice rang from outside the canopy where I was getting a drink. "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE."

"Dam." I take a drink and head over to Leo.

"Come on!" He grabs my hand and drags me to the ocean.

There sitting in the sand is Jason.

"Leo." I try to pull away but he's not having it.

"Look who I found!" Leo calls to Jason.

Jason looks over he shoulder, a smile instantly forming on his face.

I sit down next to him.

Neither of us say anything, we just stare at each other, trying to memorize every detail.

Because I know-

"I'm gonna give you guys a minute." Leo says walking away. "Exactly ten." I watch him set a timer as he walks towards the canopy.

"Hey." Jason half-whispers.

"Hi." I whisper back.


"Oh come here." I tumble into him burying my head into his shoulder, he places his head on top of mine.

I hold him as tight as I can, making sure he can't slip through my fingers, and he hold me right back.

"You and Annabeth huh?" He says holding me.

"Yea," I say into his shoulder. I move away just a bit to look at him. "I'm sorry."

"Why?" He asks.

"Are you serious?"

"Dead. Unintentional pun."

"For dragging you along while I tried to figure myself out."

He ran his hand through my hair, "Piper I love you."


"Let me finish," He clears his throat. "I love you, and to me loving someone means you want the best for them. Even if it's not you. So if I got to help you discover who you are and who you love, I'm not sorry for a second of it."

"Ugh you suck."

"Why?" He asks laughing.

"You're so sweet and considerate, I really, really wanna be attracted to you."

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