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That has been my same reaction every day for the past week.

I wake up next to Piper.


Okay, okay, I know that sounds childish. It's not that big of a deal but it feels so, good? Weird? Surprising? I'm honestly not sure.

I feel like we've been moving super fast, but I guess this is only for the summer so might as well get the most out of it as you can.

That morning she wasn't next to me, she didn't tell me she was doing anything that morning so I got up and threw on the closest article of clothing, Piper's flannel that was thrown on the floor last night.

I put it on just for something to walk around her apartment in, it was a bit too short, if I walked the wrong way I would've flashed anyone in the apartment.

I was about to walk out of the bedroom when I heard Piper yell, "ANNABETH CHASE GET BACK IN BED RIGHT NOW."

I was honestly kinda scared at first, she was assertive but not usually that early in the morning.

But I listened to her, I sat back on the left side of the bed, my side of the bed. Her room started to feel more like home. I've been sleeping there for the last 3 weeks, the last week I did a lot more then sleep there.

The room was gorgeous and simple. There were plants everywhere, they were actually surviving, unlike the ones in me and Percy's kitchen. The bed was a dark oak with a white comforter, something I could never have for fear of stains. A gold rimmed mirror and vanity across from the bed, a glass door leading out to the balcony that overlooked the city. I could see the rooftops and classical Roman architecture, white shutters were over the door for privacy, Piper had opened them that morning. I saw the sun-breaking through the room.

The door leading from the kitchen and living room opened.

There was Piper, in another one of her flannels, covering her better then the one I was wearing, but it slipped over her shoulder to revel she was only wearing the flannel.

She was carrying a white tray, with a cup of coffee, oatmeal and a bowl of fruits and berries.

"Goodmorning my beautiful babe." She walked over to me and kissed my forehead, passing me the tray of breakfast.

"You did not!"

"I did. I thought you deserved breakfast in bed."

"Wow, this is the first time anyone's ever done this for me."

Don't get me wrong Percy would cook for me, I tried cooking once and it didn't go well. Percy had Sally's cooking skills, and in the morning he was always the early riser, he went to bed at around 11 whereas I would stay up till 3-4 in the morning working on projects, reading, studying, late night is when I thrived. So I would always wake up to breakfast ready, but he would just leave in on the stove or fridge and have me come get it. He would never think of bringing me food in bed. No one had ever thought of doing that.

Piper sat down on the bed next to me, "The coffee is just how you like it, black with a splash of oat milk."

As I ate, I thought how lucky I was to have a best friend like her.


How lucky was I to have a girlfriend like her.

We've never called each other that, I usually didn't think of her like that. We've gone on dates and did plenty of things girlfriends did but I never really put it together that she was my girlfriend.

The Summer of Beauty, Brains, & BruisesWhere stories live. Discover now