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I handed Annabeth her ice cream. She picked at it with her spoon, "This doesn't look like ice cream."

"It's glace," I said taking a bite of mine, "it's more of a custard, plus this place makes it vegan."

"Gods, have I eaten anything that's not vegan since I've been living with you?"

"Nope. And you're helping the planet so don't complain." I grabbed her hand as we started walking down the streets of New Rome.

"But listen, if it's vegan it's from the planet right? Like plants and stuff so how is that helping it?"

I laughed, "You're such a wise-ass."

"Hey!" Frank's loud voice cut out from behind us.

Annabeth quickly dropped my hand, I started getting used to this routine, she's happy and loving me then she sees someone we know and goes into defense.

"Hey Frank," Annabeth responded, "what's up?"

"Oh well, Hazel told me incase I saw you two that we're planning on going shopping for the wedding soon. Possibly this weekend? If that works for you guys."

"We're not doing anything!" I was ecstatic, "Would we all go?"

"Uh, yea, so Hazel and I rented an RV so all of us are gonna go, me, Hazel, Reyna's coming in, Nico, Will's visiting, Percy, Leo, and you two."

"So like a giant group sleepover?" Annabeth asked.

"Yea, basically. We would drive to L.A. Hazel has a bunch of different places to get outfits, and Hazel will cast a spell basically to protect us from monster attacks and whatever. I don't really understand it but it's worked before when we've gone out." Frank smiled, he was always so proud of Hazels magic, he was always proud of Hazel, she's been working on her magic more in New Rome and it's been getting so much stronger.

"I love it!" I missed hanging out all of us, it's been forever since we could, and even the mandatory hangouts on Saturday and Tuesday have been so short and awkward, a lot of times Percy just won't show up, he'll say he's visiting his mom and Estelle and I'm sure he does but he never used to this often. "How long would we be staying?"

"We would leave Friday, and stay there all weekend."

"Sounds great," Annabeth said, "we'll meet you guys at your house Friday at around 10am?"

"Perfect! I'll tell everyone else. See ya guys!" Frank waved and started walking towards Nico's place.

My favorite thing is that Annabeth somehow choose the time that the group would be leaving for Frank and Hazel's wedding plans. Genuinely that girl amazes me constantly.

"You wanna go back and pack?" I asked Annabeth who seemed to be lost in thought.

"We leave Friday it's still Wednesday we have time."

"Well we could try on clothes, which would include having to take our clothes off."

She smirked and rolled her eyes and just for a moment put her hand on the small of my back just above my waist, "I guess I'd wanna see that."

"Oh babe you haven't seen nothing." We walked back to the apartment laughing the whole way.


The next night we actually packed, shorts, t-shirts, and our hygiene things.

"Pipes what pajamas should I pack? I mean we're staying with everyone and what I usually wear it bed isn't the most appropriate."

I laughed, "Please, you'd give Leo a heart attack."

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