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The next morning I woke up alone.

I looked to the pillow next to me, a note.

Hey Wise Girl, last night was amazing. We should maybe talk, call me. Seaweed Brain.

I groaned, pushing my face into a pillow.

Last night was real.

I didn't regret it, at all, I mean it was amazing.

But wow, it happened.

I got up, very reluctantly.

I was already packed, I changed into an old camp shirt and black running shorts.

I grabbed my duffel bag and went to the lobby.

As I stepped into the lobby everyone was waiting.

"Well good morning sleepy head." Piper says putting an arm around me.

"Argh." I say in response.

Frank and Hazel come down the steps hand in hand smiling like kids in a candy store.

I assume they had as active as a night as me, why did they look so much better then me?

No seriously, I know I slept with my ex while I have a girlfriend and I should be focusing on that, but they look so good.

Hazel was glowing. Frank was beaming like a ray of sunshine.

As they walked down hand in hand Will asks, "So how'd you sleep last night?" With a smug smirk on his face.

"Will," Leo responds. "I don't think they got much sleep last night."

Nico stared Leo and Will down.

"Oh don't act like a prude Nico." Will says. "How much did you sleep?"

"I-" Nico opens his mouth then shuts it again.

"Speaking of which," Leo says. "I saw someone sneaking into his room this morning." Leo looked at Percy.

Absolute terror ran through me.

"Can we maybe talk about our sex lives, hmmm, never?" Frank says. "Plus me and Hazel have a plane to catch."

Have fun!" Piper calls after them.

"Use protection!" Leo shouts.

We all go our separate ways.

Back in our apartment I sit on the bed exhausted.

"Hey," Piper says sitting next to me. "I'm sorry about yesterday."


"No, let me finish. I was being over dramatic. I'm truly sorry."

"It's okay Piper." I say laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

Because I literally cheated on her last night and she's sorry for getting mad at me.

"You're just cute that's all." I brush her hair out of her face.


A couple days go by, me and Piper watching movies. Going on walks. Trying to be a normal couple.

We were a normal couple.

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