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Frank and Reyna were standing at the end of the aisle.

"Okay." Annabeth whispered. "Get ready."

First Thalia and Will walked down.

They were an odd pair as they walked down.

Thalia a lot shorter but she looked like she could kill you, whereas the 6ft golden retriever on her arm looked like he couldn't step on a bug.

Then Percy and Annabeth.

As they walked down I wanted to look away I really did.

But it was like a ghost.

You were scared but you couldn't look away.

They both looked amazing.

How he looked at her, I knew he was in love with her.

As they walked down I couldn't stop imagining Annabeth in a white dress and Percy in a tux, and me standing next to her.

Not as her wife, her maid of honor.

"Ready?" Leo stood beside me, his arm out.

As a response I took his arm.

We walked down the aisle. I saw a couple of familiar faces, Coach Hedge and Nellie, Connor and Travis, Clarisse and her lover.

As me and Leo separated I took a look out into the audience.


He was there.

In front of me, in the chair we saved for him.

He looked at me and smiled.

I was definitely going insane.

He's dead.

He can't be here.

Next to him I saw Hazel's mom.

And Frank's mom and grandma.

I look to Annabeth and she grabs my hand and squeezes it. Telling me she sees them too.

I looked at Frank who was staring at his mom and grandma.

His mom was in tears in the audience his grandma smiling proudly next to her.

I looked at Jason just to make sure it was him.

He smiled, closer to a smirk.

Like, "You thought you would never see me again huh? Well think again Pipes."

I inspected his lips, the scar was there.

It was definitely Jason.

Thalia was next to Annabeth trying not to cry.

The wedding march started playing. Everyone stood up.

There was Nico in a lilac skirt and white blouse spreading lilac petals on the ground.

Hazel looked beautiful, she was dazzling.

There wasn't one person watching that wasn't in complete awe of her.

I looked at Frank, the 6'3 praetor was in tears.

Hazel's mom was uncontrollably sobbing.

When Nico got down he stood next to me.

"What the Hades Nico?" I asked. "Why are they here?"

"My gift to Frank and Hazel." He whispered back. "I brought back some friends and family."

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