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Annabeth was walked, no, dragged into the apartment by Hazel.

If Annabeth didn't look like she was going to crumple at a gust of wind it would've been funny. Hazel, 5'3, holding Annabeth, 5'9, up and making her walk.

"Here." Hazel said handing Annabeth to me. "Take care of yourself darling." Hazel stood on her tiptoes kissing Annabeth's cheek.

"What did he do?" Nico asked, Nico stayed at the apartment with me, we cleaned up the bedroom.

Hazel shook her head, "He ripped out the journals, all of them other then Annabeth's."

"Jason's?" I asked.

Hazel shook her head sadly, "It's okay, we have a photocopy of Jason's that we gave to Thalia. So it's not completely gone."

But Jason's handwriting. Gone. Those pages I looked over so many times, they felt like a lifeline to Jason. Now that they were gone, it was like losing him all over again.

"He didn't mean it." Annabeth's frail voice said. She seemed like she could barley breathe. She looked the same as when she left, but her eyes were sunken. Her complexion seemed pale and sickly.

"Like hell he didn't mean it! He's so obsessed with what he wants he doesn't care-"

"Piper." Nico's voice rose to levels I never heard before. He shot me a look saying Drop it.

Annabeth smiled sadly, "I guess I always tend to defend the guy who goes to far." Annabeth walks into the bedroom, opening her computer.

"Huh?" I said, wow I sounded dumb.

"Luke." Nico said as if that answered everything.


"This boy Annabeth cared about, he saw how hurt she and the other demi-gods were and went to far."

"Wait," I said suddenly, "he's the one who let Kronos take over his body right?"

"Yea, Percy isn't doing the same thing exactly, but it's the same ideals." Nico said, looking at the closed bedroom door. "He's going to far. He's acting, well, insane."

"Is it really that big of a deal?" I asked, "I mean me and Annabeth, Percy knew she could've dated another person."

"Percy's to loyal. He can't imagine being with anyone other then Annabeth."

"What about that Rachel girl?"

"Uh, no one knows. That was an interesting thing. I don't think Percy even knew what was happening."

"So Percy doesn't know how to deal with Annabeth being with someone else." Hazel added, "He'll be okay, hopefully."

Hazel looked to me and to the door as if she read my mind, "Don't-"

Before she could stop me I was out the door.

I don't know what my idea was, I just wanted to punch Percy for making Annabeth look that way.

I wanted to punch him for taking Jason away again.

For taking away all of our memories.

I know it seems stupid, but in that journal I wrote everything. Me realizing I like Annabeth, me being confused about Jason. Me missing my dad. I know those memories still exist but taking them from me, from us, it just a bitch move.

I have no idea where Percy is or where I'm going honestly. Just kinda running.

When I was running I drove into a glowing orb.

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