Chapter 73:A Friend's Memory

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Blue's POV days later

I grin, climbing up with Suave following behind me on the metal frames of a building-in-progress.

"This should do it! Everyone find a spot!"Palette says

On each level of the frames, someone found a spot from our level to below me.

"Now look ahead."He says

We all look ahead of us and see a town being built. Houses and shops are being built, farms tended to, a bridge going over a river that goes into a peaceful pond nearby. It was much more pleasent than the chaotic atmosphere we were in before.

"This is going to be our new home until we figure things out."Lust says

"Woah."Shino says in awe

"It certainly looks cozy."Suave says

"And look at the sky, it's a beautiful view!"Goth says

It's true, the sky is clearer and has a beautiful view of constellations.

"It sure is."Palette says

I glance at them. Palette is looking at Goth while Goth is looking at the sky.

"Really beautiful."He says

Raven notices and clears his throat.

"You okay, Raven?"Goth asks

I chuckle. Palette knew the REAL reason Raven did that and he looks nervous.

"Yep, just had to clear my throat."Raven says

"Obviously."Shino says

"How about we go down there and start settling in?"Suave says

We nod and we all start heading down. We started working on building homes, getting wood from a nearby forest. I summoned Sirius to help carry the weight of the logs and we started putting them into place. Suave and Classic measured everything and Encre made sure Pente stayed away, taking care of him and bringing snacks and such. Some of the kids used magic to put the parts into place. Lust and I bought and installed some glass. I rode Sirius to help fill in the roof. Before sunrise we had a row of nice, solid, cozy log cabins from the looks of the outside. Each of us split up into groups to settle or design the cabins assigned to our group.

The groups were:1-Goth,Shino,Raven, Palette, and Radier. 2-Lust, Desire,Fury, Sprinkle and I. 3-PJ, Lotus, Rurik, Blueprint, and Faith. 4-Encre, Suave, Pente, Classic, and Dev.

We built walls and rooms carefully, then from there worked on interiors. Palette happily came around to help paint rooms. Once that was done, we all just relaxed, settling in. It felt so rewarding after all the trouble we went through to get here.

I set a picture in a frame beside my bed. I gaze at it and smile, remembering that day. Horror took it while hanging out with Classic, Lust, and I. He was so happy and sent it to me. He showed me that he put it up right above his axe on the wall of his room, which is where he puts his most valued things. I remember seeing that the frame had a label carved into it: My FRIENDS <3

I grin happily at the thoughts while gazing at my copy of the picture, now framed as well.

I grin happily at the thoughts while gazing at my copy of the picture, now framed as well

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