Chapter 8:Abilities Unlocked!

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Nighty&Killer's POV, (you'll c what I mean)

I found a way to keep my word to Dream. I just keep thinking about Kills. I have excitement in me at the mention of him and whenever I think of him, my worries go away. Sure, my face is a blushing mess but I don't care. My thoughts take me away to a daydream, a safe haven. 

We land outside this old warehouse in an uncomplete world. I leave the tiny trio on Blasty. I hop off and quickly had to chase after Ghastly who had Dream on his shoulder, ignoring everything and recklessly running ahead. Gotta keep that kid out of trouble. Cross follows as well. Once we regroup, Cross breaks open a door with his knife. We walk around, trying to find Nighty. Get mad at me all you want, or don't, but as we walked, I drifted into autopilot. I start to think about Nighty. He remembers me after all! I think about him with great joy now.

His smile.

His laugh.

His nickname for me.

His face after having chocolate.

Fighting by his side.

Hanging with him.

His Tsundere behavior when flustered. Or, his stubbornness.

His understanding and comfort.

His protective hostile side.

His care for the kids and others.

His selflessness, though now I'd rather him not be so selfless.

Our kisses or loving moments.💘

The future possibilities.

....Other stuff.


Unfortunately, reality comes along and always has to snap you out of the good stuff.

"Focus, Killer! Quit daydreaming about my brother! You can deal with that later when we get him!"Dream yells while Cross chuckles and I feel my face burn

"Fine."I say, walking alongside Cross

"Quit smiling."Cipher tells me

"I'll smile if I want to smile and you can't stop me."I say

"Ugh, you were so worthless."He says

"Please, tell me something I don't already know or could see by looking at you. Sorry to interrupt your chat with yourself."I say

"Why you little-!"Cipher snaps, raising a fist

"Cipher, he's taunting you. Hit that case and you free him or kill him. We don't want that. Now go and look around. His brother should not be so far, I can imagine the idiot following after his brother."Renew says

"Fine."Cipher says, leaving

I frown.

"Now, where did I put the special ingredient?"Renew wonders

"Probably where you should be. In the dumpster."I say

"I wasn't asking you."She says

"Then don't speak out loud."I say

She narrows her eyes at me but I don't care.

"Nobody is coming for you. Nobody can save you."She says

Cipher comes around a corner and is shocked to find us.

I roll my eye-lights.

Outnumbered, he tries to run. 

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