Chapter 17:A Guardian!

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Classic's POV

"Hey! Hey! Wake up! Open those eyes already, stupid asshole!"A voice says

I open my eyes. 

There is Fell Papyrus. He has two slash marks across the chest. I see tears in his eyes.

"Bout damn time! Are you my brother's beloved Sans?"He asks

I nod.

"Nice to meet you. Now, when do you plan on waking up? I'm tired of seeing my brother upset!"He says

"Well it isn't that easy."I tell him

"Then just fucking do it."He says

"Why don't you do it as well? He misses you."I tell him

"You first. You're on his mind right now. I've never seen him so upset. Sure, he's a worthless asshole, but he's my worthless asshole brother. I can't just watch him be upset when the reason he's upset is here and I can do some fucking thing about it. He loves you."He says

"Or did he just want something from me?"I ask

He steps closer, taking me by the arms. He lifts me up.

"My brother is not a user. He's an asshole and lazy, but not that kind of asshole. He loves you with all his soul. He wants nothing more than to love you and be with you. Hell, have you heard what he has said in the waiting room? Do you even realize you've been in a coma for a week? He can't fucking lose you and he won't if I have anything to say about it! Now fucking wake up!"He snaps

I'm silent.

"And I want him fucking happy. I approve of you both."He tells me

He smiles. He genuinely smiles.

"Come on, he needs his cute Sans right now."He says

I feel my face warm.

"Wake up already."He tells me

"Want me to tell him anything from you?"I ask

"Wake up, then we'll see."He says

I nod.

He drops me. But I feel no impact.

Here goes nothing.

F!Pap's POV

I appear in a hospital room. I find four nurses and a doctor watching and caring for Sans. Oh he better fucking wake up. My brother deserves to be happy. And right now, he's the key to my brother's happiness. I see the monitor go from the dead line to a slow increase. A small slope. It starts to beep. Beep...........Beep...............Beep.........

It begins to pick up speed.


It gets faster until it's like a regular soul.


He slowly begins to open his eyes. The nurses and doctor are all shocked. He looks at me as I hover behind him. I wave. He waves back. That made them all estatic. They all begin running tests and operations to keep him up and help him. Two extra nurses had to carry the doctor out, who had fainted from shock of such a "miracle" as they called it.

"Someone call his brother!"One says

"Someone call his friend!"Another says

"Someone get these tests run!"A third says

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