Chapter 3:Papa's Return

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Étoile's POV

Some days pass and I'm training Ghastly still. He's a great lil bro, at least that's what I think since he calls me big bro now and Dream calls me nephew now....Ghastly is getting better with his training. We've moved onto combat with weapons or being resourceful. I've started training the blaster with him too. One day, I tested him with his instincts. I blindfold him and see if he can hear me coming. He caught me in less than a minute. Then, with the defense, he took me down in four. He's getting good. That's for sure. Jasper has even joined in training, especially since his father has been leaving with Encre more often for OBVIOUS reasons. I'm the oldest, being 14, so they leave me in charge. It isn't that hard. I keep my sword close at all times. That Killer avoids me like the plague, and when he doesn't leave me alone, he often is causing an issue. He just can't seem to trust me or accept that I'm Ghastly's mentor. 

I have not taken a liking to him either. 

He'd ask about Nightmare, or who Ghastly calls Papa and has me refer to as Father. I do not answer him. I stay honest, but don't provide him much. If he wants info out of me, he has to respect me and not make me his anger management punching bag. I'd like to be accepted by him, he is the boyfriend Father forgot about. Before reincarnation, he spoke so highly and fondly of Killer. I'd like to see that side of Killer he was so fond of. The real Killer. But since it seems like that isn't happening anytime soon, he isn't getting anything from me.

Now I stand on a stool and start tying a string to a nail as Uncle Dream ties the other. We are hanging up a sign, but have it rolled up to wait for the big day.

"What's this?"I hear a voice ask

I look down and see it's Killer.

"Nothing. What do you want?"I ask

"To know when you're leaving."He says

"Killer! Don't be rude!"Uncle Dream says

"What?"He says

"He's a nephew! He isn't ever leaving! And he's nephew Ghastly's mentor! He won't go anywhere ever!"Uncle Dream snaps

"Well, he's gonna stop needing training some day."Killer says

"There is no such thing. Besides, Ghastly sees him as a brother. As family. As do I and everyone else."Uncle Dream says

"Why?"He asks

"Well he has helped and been around more than you have. Maybe if you weren't such a jerk we'd be able to say the same for you. And don't use my brother's trip as an excuse."Uncle Dream says

"Uncle Dream, I'm gonna go hang up the banner outside."I say, grabbing another banner we made

"Of course."He says

I head to the door but get stopped. Killer tugs on my tie.

"No, you know what time it is kid."He says

"Can it be quicker this time?"I ask

"What? Got a place to be?"He asks

"No, but I'm guessing you do. With all your important top secret disappearances."I say

"Ugh, go downstairs."He says

I nod and follow him to the basement.

"You know what I'm looking for."He says

"And you're not getting it."I say

"Come on, please?"He asks

"Why would I give the person who's been mean to me and even blinded me what they want? That just sets a cycle of you using me. Father warned me of those kinds of people. I'm surprised you became one of those people."I say

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