Chapter 13:Innocence & False Guilt

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Fell's POV a few weeks later

A few weeks have passed. My dreams have continued. My feeling has continued around Sans. My soul won't stop racing, my face would burn if he did anything good to me. I start to find myself thinking....affectionately of him. Anything he did started seeming so awesome and he even look good 24/7. He could be an absolute mess and I would still think he's the best looking guy now. Something is wrong with me. But I look around at my friends and notice things with my friends. They get like this around their love or crushes. Am I....Getting a crush on Sans? Am I falling in love with him? I've only known of L.O.V.E. or allies, er, friends. 

But a few days later, it is confirmed. He locked us in a room. He smiles. He sits beside me and holds my hand. He turns the TV on and it's a comedy show premiering live. He snaps and the lights dim. My soul absolutely races and my face burns up. I never felt like that in my entire life. I was a fucking mess, but what confirmed it for me was the joy I felt within my mental mess and smile. I wasn't even paying attention to the comedy show, my focus was on him. I feel happy with him. Like, really happy. It overwhelmed me. And, I might have tried to kiss him. But I snapped into my senses and leans away, trying to focus on the show. 

Shit I'm gay. And for him.

I've kept this secret from everyone.

By July, there's something special for one day. It was a gang meeting, for the members only. No, we were not gonna start trouble again. Now it's just a talk or meet to catch up. Sometimes even sleepovers. And this is one of the scheduled ones. It's at the shack place, with remade walls of course.

I head out and have my stuff in a duffel bag. I get there and they're coming too. Killer who got back to his normal size or age. Dust and Error are coming as well. Cross was coming and claims X!Chara is asleep so he won't make it. We go in. We get set up with our clothes, blankets and a pillow each. We all catch up with each other. Then we start a game that Error suggested:Truth or Dare. A few of these rounds go by. It was basic rules and basically if we chose one thing but refused to do it, we'd have to do the other. For example, if we chose dare but don't want to do it, we MUST do a truth and vice versa.

It gets around to me for the fifteenth time now, at least. I lost count.

"Truth or Dare, Fell?"Cross asks

"Uh, Truth."I say

"What is a deep secret you keep from everyone?"He asks


"We all know you got one."Dust says

Fucking shit.

"Do I have to?"I ask

"Unless you want to get dared to steal chocolate from Chara, yes."Cross says

"The mega death wish."Killer chuckles

"Fuck it, alright. I think I am gay for someone."I say

"Woo! Welcome to the club!"Nightmare says

"Well that is just fucking obvious dude."I say

"Huh?"Dust says

"You're gay for each other..."I begin, pointing to Killer and Nightmare 

"You're gay for Night's brother."I tell Cross

"You're gay for Ink and..."I say to Error

"You're gay for a freakin' cinammon roll."I tell Dust

"WaY to ExPosE uS, duDe."Error says

"Dude, it's been clear for months, years even."I say with a shake of my head

All their faces are blushing messes.

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