Chapter 38:Light is Not Always Bright

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Dream's POV

The mist ties me in a blanket. It does the same with Dalilah and Encre. I can't move once I wake up. I look around, lost in confusion. Encre keeps crying, his cries explaining everything. The mist carries us through a portal and to a light grey castle. It soars in through the tallest tower's window.

"Ah, good job my beautiful mists. I see your missions were successful. So good to see. And you brought Sire's Plan K L and M here! Wonderful!"A lady says, bringing us close

I take a good look at her.

"Hello, little ones. Welcome to your new home."She says

Encre keeps crying. This lady snaps and a mist muffles him.

"Now, hopefully Kage gave my king the right advice to take you three in. Maybe you'll last longer than A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,& J."She says

Now, I don't know much about babies but allow me to take a wilf guess. NOBODY. NOT. ONE. PERSON. OR. BABY. WANTS. TO. HEAR. THAT! Especially as their first impression! "Oh, maybe you'll live!" Hell no!

Dalilah starts to cry but gets muffled as well.

I feel chills go down my spine. I feel terrified right now. But I decide to use that to my advantage.

Brother? Nighty? Sorry if I'm waking you.

DREAM! Thank the stars! Are you okay? Is Dalilah ok? Is Encre okay? 

Ok...You seem pretty awake. We're ok....But Dalilah and Encre are being silenced by some mist lady that serves a king. We are apparently his Plan K,L, and M. Not a good sign...Why do you sound worried?

Bro, you were taken in your sleep. OF COURSE I AM GONNA BE WORRIED! But hey, now I can tell two worried babybones that you guys are okay.

"Now to wait for the King to check in."The lady says, setting us aside

I get placed between Dalilah and Encre. I reach out and grab each of their hands.

Yep, but I'm sure you can sense their emotions.

Yeah, but let's help you by being positive. Remember the codeword?


Use it now.


Ok, I got you. We'll track you guys down. Just buy us some time.

Distract them?


Pfft, consider it done.

Just like Cross and Fallacy killing them.




Encre slips out from being muffled, turning to me.

"Pssst, Dweam. Look what I found!"Encre says, holding a small orb thing

It looked like the Snitch from Harry Potter, just without the wings and was 3 colors:blue, black and red.

"What is that?"I ask

"I dunno, it was with me when the mist took me."He says

"It looks like Fallacy if he were a small little sphere thingy."Dalilah says

Encre smiles.

"It does...I'm not gonna let this thing go. Whatever it is. Anything that reminds me of mon amour I will keep."He says

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