Chapter 30:Seacave Solitude

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Warning:POV switches

Nightmare's POV

"Where are we?"Dream asks

"I don't know...."I say

I look at him. He lays there, unable to sit up. His spine is bleeding. I take my jacket off. I tear my shirt sleeves and wrap the sleeves around his spine like bandages. I give him my jacket and he smiles, thanking me.  

"Do you think anyone is here?"He asks

"I dunno."I say

"What do you think is gonna happen?"he asks

"Probably nothing good."I say

"Do you think they will find us? Cross and Killer?"He asks

"Yes. I have trust in them. Everything will be okay."I assure him


"Speaking of whom, he's calling."I say

"Ooo! Cool!"He says

^Hey, Kills. Are you guys safe?

Ya, just trying to keep X!Chara from falling into the pit that the location change caused. Are you alright? Also, Cross is wondering about Dream.

"What do they say?"He asks

^We're in some seacave, uninjured so far besides Dream's wounds. One sec, I'm gonna try something.

I place my hand on Dream's head. I snap my fingers.

A new tree just grew!

^I think I just connected Dream to this...

The new tree is marked for Dream and Cross! I'll get him to connect to it!

"Why don't you listen to your head and find out?"I tell Dream

He looks at me, confused. Then he jolts.

"Cross is talking to me!"He says with a smile

I nod.

^I think they're talking now.

They are. Nighty, we're gonna find you. Just stay where you are.

I hear footsteps. I look up and see someone coming. I look up and freeze.

I recognize them, though never directly met them. Jasper described him to me as the guy who hurt Suave. Harold. He has black flames on his head and is a skeleton. He has blood on his face and fingers. The blood is fresh. He has a phsychotic smile. His gaze is at Dream. Then, another person comes. I don't recognize them.

"Let me guess, you're more family members of Charles?"I say

"No, we're his friends."Harold says, stepping closer

^Kills, that may not be an option....

"Your brother there looks mighty nice. Mind if I get to know him?"Harold says

Dream jolts and starts trembling when he hears this.

What do you mean?

I rise to my feet.

"No, you are not laying a hand on him. Back off."I snap

"Aww, come on buddy. We could have some fun.~"The other says

"I am NOT your buddy."I say

^Harold is here with a friend. They are creepy as hell and Harold wants Dream while his friend wants me. It ain't happening.

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