Chapter 47:Nothing to Prove

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Gradient's POV

He keeps tossing me around with his strings, slamming me around. I shout uselessly(is that a word? Eh, whatever) for help. I give up on that quick. But I don't give in to him. He pulls me close and glares down at me. I glare right back at him. The man that I used to call father. The man who manipulated me for years. Who didn't give a damn about me unless it meant something bad for him. My world's Error. Well, I'm not returning to this world again.

 Well, I'm not returning to this world again

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"So aRe yOu iN?"He growls

"No!"I snap

"WhaT? LoOk kId, I aM gIvIng yOu a ChaNce tO pRoVe yOuRsElf tO mE."He says

"MoRe lIkE tRyiNg tO uSe mE. AnD I haVe nOtHinG tO pRovE tO yOu."I say

"WhaT's wItH tHiS sUdDen ChaNge In yOU?"He snaps

"WeLl iT wOulD nOt bE sO sUdDeN iF yOu pAid bEtTeR cArE oR aTtEnTioN tO mE! I fOunD aNoThEr hOme, anOthEr fAmIlY, AnOtHer ErRoR tO cAlL mY fAthEr! He ACTUALLY cArEs fOr mE! He tOoK mE iN aNd haS bEeN wAy bEtTer tHan yOu wIlL eVEr bE!"I say

"He mUst HaVe lOw sTaNDaRdS fOr His kIdS wHo cAN'T eVen fIGhT."He says

I clench my fists.

"BeCaUse OnlY iDioTs wOulD mAke sOmeoNe aS uSeLesS anD pAtHetIc aS yOu FeEl SpeCiaL aNd cArE fOr yOu."He says

"MoRe lIke oNlY gEnIusEs wOulD bE nIcE EnOuGh To SeE mY WoRtH aNd cArE foR a cHilD! ANd To NoT bReAK mE dOwn vErBaLlY!"I snap

"WhaT mAkeS yOu tHinK YoU hAve anY cOnTrOl hErE?"He asks

I kick him in the knees.

"I hAvE nO stRiNgs oN mE anD yOu cAn'T cOnTrOl mE. I aM nOt a pUpPet!"I say

He bends down, grunting from the pain my kicks caused.

"Tch, ThAT oThEr mE mUst bE a ReAl IdIOT."He says

"NaH, He jUst iS nOt aN aSsHoLe lIkE yOU. YoU aRe tHe rEaL iDioT I aM dOnE bEInG tHe pAwN iN yOuR gAme. ThIs, yOu aNd mE, Is OvEr. NoW, I wIlL bE oN mY wAy."I say, swinging a fist

I make it look like I'm gonna punch him, so he swerves to the side and gets tapped by my other hand. This surprise contact caused him to crash with his phobia.

I smirk.

I turn and try to code a way home. But then I hear a muffled yell. I look up and see Bluescreen tied up and gagged by strings.

"BlUesCReEn!"I shout

Then I hear glitched laughter.

"Ah, sO yOu fOuNd mY lIl sURpRisE, hUh? Is hE a FrIeNd oF yOuRs?"Error says, rising back to his feet

"LeT hIm gO!"I snap

He only chuckles more.

"MaKe mE. Oh wAit, yOu cAn'T."He says, summoning a bunch of bone attacks

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