Chapter 4:Ink's Limitation

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Ink's POV a day or two later

I paint the walls of the house, humming a tune. I'm gonna surprise Error with the new colors. Yep, I share the house with Glitchy, his bro, Blue, his bro and Dust. I'm making part of each wall something special for each of us. For each room, I'm making one wall for E!Pap and Error's comfort levels,(and so we could easily open a peekhole to UnderNovela); making bright blues with a taco patterns for Blue, dark blues for Dust and S!Psp, who did not request anything. I am making my walls partly blank but also colorful that I can handle my creative urges in any room if they come. I really made a mess of my shirt during this process but don't mind. I left the door open because I have a timer set on my phone and when it rings, I have to run out of here. I have somewhere to be. Also, the air from outside will help the walls dry faster. 

I stop and look at my progress. 

I back up with Broomie and gaze at it. But then I hear a can rattle. I feel something hit me on my head, spilling black paint all over me. It got in my eyeholes and I could not see. I lower Broomie and the can slides off my head as if Broomie dropped it. I chuckle.

"Ya know, that was not nice."I say

I set the can and Broomie aside to not make a mess, blindly reaching around. I do not want to wipe with my scarf because the paint will smudge my tallies and any reminders I wrote on it. But I could be almost 100% sure I heard someone come in.

"RaCy?"A voice says

"Huh?"I say, shaking my head

I feel a hand grab my arm.

"RaCy! Found yOu!"The voice says

Then I feel someone kiss my cheek. They sound glitchy like Error...

I feel my face warm a bit.

But something tells me this isn't him.

"Who are you? I can't see."I say

"Oh! LEt mE gEt yOu a ToWeL! YoU mAdE a mEsS oF yOuRsElF!"The voice says

"Uh...Ok."I say

"Emmm, wHeRe ARE tHE tOwEls?"It asks

"Kitchen."I say, gesturing to the kitchen

"Ah! OK!"It cheers

I hear footsteps lead away and then come back.

"HeRe."The voice says

I feel a towel in my hand. I lift it and wipe until I can see again. I look up and see beside me is NOT Error but someone like him. They give me a friendly smile but then frown when they look at me.

"Uhh, who are you? Why are you in this house?"I ask

"You're n0t RaCy."He says

"No, I'm Ink. Can you answer me?"I ask

"Oh! I'm ReboOt! I cAmE bEcAusE tHe dOoR wAs oPeN aNd I ThOuGhT yOu wErE mY fRieNd RaCy! I cAn'T fInD hIm aNyWhErE! ThIs gAmE iS nO fUn!"He says

"What game?"I ask

"I gOt a NoTe sAyIng LeT's PlaY hIdE aNd SeEk. BeTtEr bE qUiCk."He says

"That doesn't sound like a suggestive note, that sounds like a threat. I don't think that's an actual game, I think your bud was taken."I say

"Aww spAcEaPpLEs! DoeS tHat MeaN I aM gOnNa lOse hIm?"He asks

I see the look in his eyes. He really seems innocent and needs help.

"Not on my watch. One sec."I say, going to my room

I quickly change my shirt and grab Broomie.

"Where do you wanna start?"I ask

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