Chapter 34:Lovebird's Eye

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Let me set the scene :3

It is a chilly December morning, three months after the Serram problems. Serram has not contacted them or shown his face. He seems to have finally left them alone. Unfortunately, he left his mark even if his plan failed. Blue has been wearing a cast to keep his foot on. Dream has to wear rubber bands to keep his hand and arm together soon after learning the hard way that Serram started to prepare his hand for mailing by breaking it apart. He wears a knee pad to keep his leg together. Ink is still relying on Error's strings to keep himself from falling apart. Nobody has found a way to solidify their wounds, heal them and keep them from breaking again. Nothing has been this serious before. And least to say, they DO NOT trust Science. Science has given demonstrations to prove that his tests that he claims will help them are safe, but those demonstrations have failed when everyone came to see them, only making Science have less of a chance to help them. 

But, it isn't all that bad. They have each other and have adapted to these new conditions. Everyone helps each other out no matter what. Plus, the kids have been trying to keep the positive energy going, as well as E!Pap and Papyrus. Killer keeps worrying about what may go wrong and he is not alone, though he doesn't know this. Allsun has found plenty of ways to keep his mind off of it though. Dust has been clinging to Blue, going anywhere and everywhere with him to make sure there is no window of oppurtunity for someone to take him. And, lucky for him, the manager at the taco shop Blue works at hired him to be Blue's personal security guard. The manager does not want Blue to be put in danger again. S!Pap supervises his nephews from alternate worlds, but they pull pranks on him whenever he takes a nap. Cross is still a wolf pup, Dalilah refuses to turn him back for whatever reasons. He could be found running in circles around Dream wherever he goes, always jumping at the slightest of sounds to protect Dream. Dream constantly has to dig him out of a snow tunnel when he thinks he heard something when really it was just a stick he stepped on or something. Faith has found Cross' ring and is holding onto it to return to him for whenever Dalilah decides to turn him back. 

Speaking of rings, Error has kept the rings all these months afterwards. He looks at them from time to time, wondering. But whenever Ink comes in, he quickly hides them and helps him out. He has found himself daydreaming, but is unaware that he moves during these moments of having his head in the clouds. Dream has sensed every bit of them though and has a secret bet that something is gonna go down eventually. He isn't wrong.

Ink has hardly let his condition be a limit. He carries on like nothing changed, doing his usual activities. Chatting, painting with Encre, playing with the kids, hanging out, or messing with his Glitchy. He even finds this as an advantage. He can easily pull at a string and catch Error's attention. Error will panic and come rushing in, thinking there is trouble, but really he will run into one of Ink's traps without Ink having to say a word. Ink would be able to sneak attack Error with a hug or a kiss by then, which would then unfold into something else behind closed doors..... 

You know it.




I know it.




They know it.





We all do.



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