Chapter 22: Voice of a Godess

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"Oh c'mon Lia, the fans will love you!" Sammy said, begging me to go on stage with him.

"When I said I could sing I didn't mean I was good at it." I said placing my foot firmly on the ground

"Lia, please, I've heard you sing before. You have a voice of a goddess" he said smirking.

Matt looked over at us from the stage and smiled. What was he up to?

"LIA LIA LIA!" The whole crowd began to chant. I blushed and looked up to Sammy.

"Okay, I'll do it."

A huge grin played on his lips.

"That's my girl!" He said patting my back.

As soon as I stepped foot on the stage the crowd let out a huge roar. I smiled and waved as I made my way to the microphone. Sammy stood beside me and smiled.

"What are we singing?" I whispered

"I Lived by Onerepublic" he smiled, knowing how much I love that song.

The lights dimmed and a spotlight shown down on us as the music started and our voices began.

(*listens to I Lived*)

"Lia, your voice is amazing!" Hayes came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It wasn't that good." I flustered.

"Psh, you are incredible! Who else agrees?!" He said yelling into the microphone. Just then there was a ginormous roar from the crowd of screaming girls and occasionally a boy or two. I just giggled and grabbed the mic

"Thank you all so much! I'm glad you liked my voice." I turned back around to face Hayes. He looked into my eyes and smiled.

"Thank you." I said pulling him into a hug.

"Your welcome" he muffled into my hair.


" Aaron over here!" I called jumping up and down for him to pass the volley ball to me.

He looked at me and spiked it. The hit was perfect, until it was close enough for my reach and missed it.

"Dang nabbits!" I mumbled under my breath. Cameron must of heard me because he turned around and laughed.

"Did you just pull a Billy Ray?"

"I guess I did." I laughed to myself. He turned back around just in time for the ball to collide with his face. There was a tiny yelp as it hit him. He bent down to pick it up.

"Alright who threw it?" He said bouncing it up and down in his palm with the other hand on his hip.

A timid Nash Grier slowly raised his hand and smiled.

"That's is boy, you're done." Cameron said charging after him.

"Well looks like our game is done." I said shrugging my shoulders and turning towards the person beside me who happens to be Sierra.

She nodded and said, "wanna go tan?", I looked down and my fairy pale skin and nodded in agreement.

"Okay!" She smiled and we took off.


As soon as I was tranquil and could feel my skin bake I felt two cold, wet arms wrap around my torso and carry me into the water.

"Hayes put me down!!!" I yelled squirming in his grip.

"Well, if you insist." He laughed and tossed me into the water.

"Hayes!!!!" I said taking a breath of air before I plunged into the water. I quickly shot back up, squirting water out of my mouth.

I wiped the salty water out of my eyes and folded my arms across my chest, "not funny!" I said with a playful pouting face, which made Hayes laugh even harder than he already was.

"Your right, it was hilarious" he said choking on the air.

"That's it Grier, you are done." I said charging after my bright-eyed, red-faced boyfriend who was basically dying in front of me.

He strained up and looked at me wide eyed, "Only if you can catch me!" He smirked and took off on a difficult jog through the ocean.

We both laughed as I chugged after him. I may have tripped a couple times along the way.

"Hayes get back here!" I said hauling to a stop, gasping for air.

He looked back at me and smiled, "never!"

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