Chapter 6: First Kiss

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"Ma lady" Hayes said as he bowed down and opened the passenger door

I giggled as I curtsied, "what a gentle man!"

He laughed, I hopped in and Hayes shut the door, then jumped in the drivers seat.

"So what movie are we going to see?" I questioned, breaking the awkward silence.

"Annabell" he smirked

I stared out the window, with wide eyes because I'm such a baby when it comes to scary movies

But knowing Hayes, well what I know of him, he seems like the type that would gladly pick a scary movie.

Hayes noticed I looked kind of frightened,

"Is that ok with you?" He slightly smiled

"Oh..of corse!" I flashed him a confident smile

"Ok good, don't want you to be scared or anything" Hayes smirked.

$$$ $At The Theatre $$$$

Hayes offered to pay for the tickets, and even though I told him he didn't have to do that, he did anyways. What a rebel.

I wasn't in the mood for eating any thing so I only got a Doctor Pepper, but Hayes got popcorn and a Mountain Dew.

We made our way to the screen room (idk the place you actually watch the movie😂). There was only like 7 other people in the room so we pretty much got to sit where ever we wanted. We chose the very back row.

Oh goodness

The movie started playing right away, perfect timing.


It wasn't even like 10 mins into the movie and I was already more frightened than a turkey on Thanksgiving. (Lol don't ask)

Hayes noticed how scared I was.

"We don't have to stay and watch the whole thing if you would like."

"No... I'm fine."

But I guess he could tell I was lying cause he grabbed my hand and we intertwined fingers,

Like two pieces of a puzzle fitting perfectly into place.

Good thing it was dark, because if it wasn't he would be able to see the goofy smile that displayed on my face.

But I'm pretty sure there was one on his face, too.

@@@After The Movie@@@

"Thanks Hayes, I had a really nice time with you!"

I smiled as we stood on my front porch, it was dark out and the only light source was the dim porch light attached to my house.

"Yeah, we should do it again, soon" he smiled, grabbing my hands.

He starred at my lips, slowly leaning in. I stood there, frozen, nervous, I didn't know what to do.

Hayes Grier was about to kiss me.

Right before our lips connected I pulled away. Why? Because I wasn't ready.

••• FLASH BACK •••

" Lia, please, I promise she doesn't mean anything to me!" Teo, by boyfriend, yelled in sorrow

" I cannot believe you right now, Teo, I thought what we had was special, I guess I was wrong!" I screamed, pulling away from his grip.

"Am I not good enough? Why would you do this?!" Tears started rolling down my face.

"Lia, I promise, I do love you" then he smashed his lips onto mine,

But I pushed him away

"Never talk to me again, okay? We are done!" I stormed out of his room, slamming every door behind me.


"Lia, what's wrong, I thought you wanted me to kiss you?" Hayes said, examining every piece of my face

"I do, it's just, I'm.. I'm not ready.." my gaze traveled down to my shoes

"Ready for what?" His voice was comforting and soft.

We sat down on the top step, letting our feet rest on top of the other stairs.

I sat with my hands in my palms, Hayes sat with his arms behind him, supporting his body.

I told him about my break-up with Teo, he then understood.

"Wow, so he kissed your best friend?"

"Yeah, I haven't talked to either of them since"

"Lia.. I ... wow, I'm sorry you had to go through this" our eyes locked, the dim porch light leaving traces of glimmer in Hayes' ocean blue eyes.

"But you know, the same thing happened to me, too, well kind of"

I scrunched my eyebrows in curiosity.

"Yeah, well, I was dating this girl named Jordan, she was perfect, well I thought she was, anyways we went to this party, I went to go get both of us a drink, when I came back I saw my best friend, Jeff, and Jordan in a full-on make-out session. I don't know who I was mad at more, but I haven't , and don't plan on talking to either of them ever again."

"Wow, Hayes, I'm so sorry." I said in sorrow

"Awe, don't be, things will get better" I saw a slight smile paint across his lips.

We both stood up

"Well I better get going" he said, scuffing his shoe on the ground.

He turned around and started down the steps, but I grabbed his wrist, causing him to almost fall.

"Oops, sorry" we laughed at my awkwardness

He spun around, we were face to face. I just stared at his lips, then back to his eyes. Repeat x3

Then he nodded, like he knew what I was asking.

I got up to my tippy-toes cause I'm like 5 inches shorter than him, he slightly bent down, the perfect height for our lips to connect.

Chills raced down my spine. I have never felt sparks fly like this, no, not sparks.. Hurricanes.

Our lips moved in sync, it was perfect.

After about 20.3 seconds of the kiss, we released.

Hayes just stood there, staring directly into my dark blue eyes, smiling.

His smile was contagious.

"Well, I better get going home now" he said, releasing the grip he had on my wrist.

"Cya Monday, Grier" I waved as he sat in the drivers seat of his blue jeep, poking his head out of the window.

I watched him drive away. Not like the creepy way, don't get the wrong idea. Ok wow. Anyways...

I didn't open the front door, I just stood on my porch, thinking to myself

With a toothy smile on my face.

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