Chapter 30: Last Chapter

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"W-we are moving?" I said as I stood frozen, mumbling my words.

"Dad why?!" Collin began, pushing himself from the kitchen island and standing up.

"Children, please. We are only moving to Georgia, it's not that far from where we live now, we will still visit." My dad said, moving his hands to settle us down.

"Dad, what's the reason that we have to move?" Sammy said, cool as could be. Wow, wish I had that talent.

"Well son, my company for work is relocating down there and they are offering better pay. There's also much better schooling for you kids and the weather is nice." My dad said, pouring himself a cup of coffee from the coffee pot.

"Well, the weather is nice here, too dad!" I said, getting up from my chair and folding my arms across my chest, "we'll miss it here"

"Lia, honey, we've only been here for less than three months, it's not going to be a big change, I promise you'll love Georgia so much more!" He said, taking a sip of his coffee from his #1 dad mug. By the way, that mug is false information at the moment.

"How much longer do we have before we move?" Collin asked, grabbing himself a box of cereal from the pantry.

I tried to keep my cool as I poured myself a glass of orange juice, everyone was testing my limits. As I took a sip I leaned my back on the counter and closed my eyes.

"We are out of here in three weeks."

My eyes shot open and a gush of orange juice squirted out of my mouth, showering all over Sammy.

"Lia!!!!" He about screamed, as he ripped a paper towel off the napkin rack sitting next to him.

"Oops, sorry bruh." I blushed as I handed him another napkin.

He playfully glared at me as he ripped it out of my hand.

I could tell dad and Collin were trying their hardest not to burst out laughing.

"Three weeks?" I said as I safely sat my juice down on the counter beside me.

"Yes Lia, three weeks." My dad said calmly.

I guess I can make that work, but I was still a little bit fired up. I stormed up to my bedroom and threw myself onto my bed. I grabbed my pillow and let out a loud, but muffled scream.

I decided to call Talia to tell her the bad-ish news. Let's just say that she wasn't happy to hear that I was moving either.


It was Friday, three whole days before the Evans take on Georgia. Yes, we are leaving Tuesday.

I. Am. Terrified.

I've only been in North Carolina for a little while, but I've met so many people that I wouldn't want to trade the world for.

I've went through this change once, I can do it again. How much worse can it get, well there is one thing.

I'm not spending the last few days with the one who means absolutely everything to me.


Maybe I should text him. No Lia, don't do it, if he wanted to be in your life, he'd make an effort.

But maybe that's what he's waiting on, too, for me to make an effort to be in his.

Ugh goodness, why is this whole relationship thing so stressful.


I gave in. I held my phone in my hand as I starred blankly at the screen, anxiety killing me.

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