Finally, Some Answers

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Some art that kaileedraws made of Jaide on Tumblr!

To be perfectly honest, this was made a few weeks ago, but I couldn't find a good chance to share it with you, because that'd ruin the mood

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To be perfectly honest, this was made a few weeks ago, but I couldn't find a good chance to share it with you, because that'd ruin the mood.

The biggest fight scene Hat Kid and Bow Kid are going to face on their adventure so far is coming up.

But heeeeyy looook art of Jaaaide~

In all seriousness, though. Look at her! She's so happy! She's just got this biggol' smile on her face and shflskfdjjgadkfl



Bow Kid launched herself at Jaide's chair with the force of a cannon. She sank into the soft cushions and fabric. She lifted her head from the chair, her smile huge. "Your chair is so soft!" she exclaimed, whipping around.

Jaide gave her a gentle smile. "I'm glad you like it," she said simply.

Hat Kid plowed into the chair too, landing right next to Bow Kid. She pulled her head up, hat askew, stars in her eyes. "It is soft!" she declared as Jaide laughed.

Jaide's smile seemed happier, somehow. "You two..." she sighed.

Bow Kid flipped around in the chair, leaning back against the cushions. She scooted to the side and patted the seat of the chair excitedly, trying not to think about how weird it was that she was inviting Jaide to sit in her own chair.

Happily, Jaide settled next to them, curling her dark tail in closer. She gave them a quizzical look. "Didn't you two have any more questions for me?" she asked curiously. "Of course, I'll answer everything I can."

Hat Kid's eyes widened. "Oh, right!" she exclaimed. The smile started to fade off her face. "Well, it's...about the Outlander, since it's not like he's going to answer our questions any time soon."

Slowly, Jaide's face hardened, but she let Hat Kid continue. "What even is he? I mean, I know he said he's a demon, but what does that even mean? What happens if you banish him?"

Jaide frowned. "That's...the topic I know the least about, to be honest," she said. She reached over to her right arm and started to pick at the bandage again, thinking. "Demons, of course, are not from this world, but I'm not sure where they originate. Maybe a parallel world to this one? It has to be connected somehow, or else the Outlander wouldn't have gotten here." Jaide bit her lip, tilting her head up. "My theory is that it has something to do with shadows, considering his powers.

"The Outlander is after power in this world, obviously. Despite him originating from another world, I found my spells can work on him." Jaide lowered her head, the soft glow of her green eyes starting to turn harsh. "The banishment spell, if I had cast it already, would've banished him from this world altogether and sent him back to whence he came." She gritted her teeth. "If only I'd banished him as soon as I saw him..."

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