A Solemn Talk

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Me: I should draw more art for Masked!

Me: *starts drawing characters and things that aren't here yet*


Me: Wait-

Me, later: Hey, I'm drawing Jaide. Perfect, everyone knows who she is-

Me: *realizes that I'm drawing events that haven't even happened to her yet*


Me: Hold on-


Snatcher said nothing as Hat Kid and Bow Kid followed him back to his tree home. Three minions were standing together and talking at the entrance, but they snapped to attention the moment they saw Snatcher.

"You three," Snatcher barked. "Get the rest and take down all the red string left around my trees. We are not letting my forest become his domain."

"Yes, boss!" The three minions exclaimed. Then they ran off, speeding past Snatcher to go complete their task.

Snatcher floated into his home. He looked down at the unconscious servant in his arms and sighed. Then he lay the servant down on his chair, letting the servant's head rest on its arm.

He turned around and clasped his hands together. The look on his face was something that Hattie had never seen on Snatcher before. "So," he said. "Where do I begin?"

Hat Kid had to lean to look past Snatcher and see the servant on the chair. It was strange. Snatcher had reacted to the servant with surprise and anger, but it seemed to be directed at the servant's master, whoever that was. Then he'd carried him back and gave up his chair for him. That was a strangely uncharacteristic act of kindness from Snatcher. Just who was this servant?

"Who is he?" Bow Kid asked, pointing at the servant.

Snatcher glanced back at the resting figure on his chair. He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. "Someone I thought I'd never see again," he murmured.

Hat Kid frowned. Well, that didn't answer her question at all! Why was Snatcher being so cryptic about it?

Bow Kid seemed unsatisfied with the answer, but she kept asking more questions. "Who is his master?"

Snatcher opened his eyes again, looking grim. "His name is Moonjumper."

Finally, a straight answer to a question! Snatcher continued. "And Moon...is someone I thought I was done with. He's an old enemy."

"What is that red string?" Hat Kid asked. "The one the servant was spreading around the forest?" The strings that were moving him like a puppet?

"It's Moonjumper's magic," Snatcher answered simply. "He can create those strings just as easily as I can create fire." He extended a clawed hand and lit a blue flame in it to demonstrate what he meant. "He can create an abundance of them at will. It's more of a nuisance than anything else."

He hesitated as if he was unsure if he should tell this next part. But he continued. "Moonjumper can also...if he's powerful enough, control people with his strings." Snatcher shot another look at the servant. "Like a puppet."

Hat Kid looked back at the servant, too. So he was being controlled? That made sense now that she thought about the strings attached to his wrists and ankles that moved him. She felt bad for him now, even though he slammed her into a tree. Then again, he probably didn't mean to do that, if this Moonjumper guy really was controlling him.

She couldn't remember much after she'd gotten thrown into that tree. Her vision was blurry, and her head was in so much pain she couldn't register anything that happened. She remembered Bow Kid knocking down the servant, Snatcher appearing, and then Bow Kid had found some Heart Pons and healed her. The stuff in between was just a hazy blur.

"Where is he?" Bow Kid asked. "Where is Moonjumper? If he was controlling the servant, why didn't we see him at all?" From the way she was gripping her umbrella, Hattie could tell that Bow wanted to beat Moonjumper up too.

"He can control his puppets from any distance," Snatcher explained tiredly. "And his location is of no importance to you, kiddo. I told you I'll handle him."

"But what if you get yourself turned into a puppet, too?" Hat Kid blurted. She couldn't help it. That sort of power was terrifying to her.

Snatcher scoffed. "Ha. I'd be surprised if he could control me." He frowned. "But if he could control him," he said, gesturing to the servant, "then he will be able to control you two."

Bow Kid raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, was that actual concern for our well-being?" she asked sarcastically.

Hattie cracked a smile. He scowled at her. "NO," Snatcher growled. "I'm just being sensible."

"Well, here's something even more sensible!" Hat Kid said, jumping in on the discussion. "You bring us with you, and all three of us beat up Moonjumper!" When Snatcher frowned at her, she continued. "Think about it. We managed to beat you in a fight remember? Several times actually, with the Death Wish-"


Hat Kid grinned. "Okay, good! So if the three of us team up, Moonjumper won't stand a chance at all!"

Snatcher opened his mouth to argue, then closed it again. He frowned. Snatcher glanced back at the servant again. He was clearly having an internal argument. Hat Kid had never seen her BFF so conflicted before.

After a few more moments of staring at the servant, he turned back. "Fine," he spat. Hattie and Bow shared a triumphant look. "Oh, wipe that smug look off your face," Snatcher sighed.

They did as he said, their faces (mostly) serious.

Snatcher hesitated. "Moonjumper lives in a place called the Horizon," he told the kids. "It's not a place that any mortals would be able to enter. At least, not without help."

Hat Kid struggled to keep the excited smile off her face. Snatcher wasn't trying to at all, but he was definitely hyping the Horizon up.

He looked back down, his narrow yellow eyes boring holes into them. "This place is dangerous." Snatcher frowned. "Well, it's dangerous because Moonjumper's there. And really, the Horizon is more dangerous for him than for anyone else." He chuckled.

The girls shared another look. Hattie decided to wait for Snatcher to elaborate.

But he didn't. "Are you sure you want to go with me, kids?" Snatcher asked sternly.

"Yes," Hat Kid and Bow Kid said at the same time.

Snatcher sighed. He bent over until his face was much closer to the two. He held out his clawed hands to them.

They took their cue. Hat Kid reached out and took Snatcher's hand, careful not to touch his claws. His hand was surprisingly soft. It didn't feel like skin, nor did it feel like fur. It was hard to even decide what it felt like.

When Bow Kid took his hand too, Snatcher closed his eyes.

The world suddenly turned upside-down around Hat Kid. She gasped and made sure she held on to Snatcher's hand. Waves and waves of black rushed past her.

As quickly as it had come, it was over. Hat Kid nearly fell over as she stopped moving, but Snatcher pulled her to her feet.

"Well, kiddos," he said solemnly. "This is it. Welcome to the Horizon."

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