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I know I said Mu was going to be here soon a few chapters ago, and I just wanna let you Mu fans know that she'll be in the next chapter.

Originally, this was going to be the chapter she was in, but there was a few things I wanted to add in before that chapter.


It took a few minutes for Moonjumper to stop crying. Snatcher wasn't too happy about the fact Moon was in Subcon now, nor the fact he was going to stay there since there was no other place for him.

"Can't he sleep in the kids' spaceship with the prince?" he grumbled, tapping his claws against his chair.

"Whoa, hey," Hattie said suddenly, shooting Snatcher a look. "We're taking one prince alter ego at a time."

Moon reached up and fiddled with his monocle, looking a little nervous. "I want to apologize and redeem myself for the things I've done," he murmured. His voice was quiet, but it held some confidence in it. "Besides, I don't think the prince forgives me for controlling him."

At this, the prince looked at the ground. There was a shadow between his eyes. Hattie didn't know who to comfort- the prince or Moonjumper. Both of them were sad boys.

Snatcher heaved a long sigh. He looked at Jaide, who hadn't left Moonjumper's side. "And. You're going to take responsibility for him as you said?"

Moon looked a little surprised. "She said what?"

Jaide and Snatcher both ignored him. "Yes, I will," Jaide answered, raising her chin.

Moon stared at her with wide eyes. "You what?" he asked.

Snatcher sighed again. "Alright." He flicked his tail dismissively and stood. He floated away.

Hattie and Bow both turned back to the prince, Jaide, and Moonjumper.

Jaide's green eyes darted between the prince and Moon. She looked puzzled. "You said you...controlled the prince?" she asked. There was a strained note in her voice.

Moon nodded, lowering his gaze too. "I don't know what I was thinking," he mumbled. "It's the thing I regret the most. I hope you can forgive me someday."

The prince looked uncomfortable as well. He looked torn, like he wanted to say something on the tip of his tongue.

"How is he even alive?" Jaide asked.

"I'm not, technically," the prince answered with an anxious smile. "Moonjumper created me. I'm a doll."

Jaide looked confused, but she accepted this with a nod. They fell into uneasy silence again.

"Oh, that's right!" Bow piped up suddenly, making everyone look at her. "Jaide, do you remember the prince's name?"

Hattie brightened a little too. Since Jaide was his old tutor, she might remember his name!

The prince looked hopeful even though he didn't remember who Jaide was.

She thought for a moment, then shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry," she murmured. "I don't remember."

The hopeful light in the prince's eyes dimmed, but he forced a smile. "That's okay," he said. "I'm fine with being referred to as 'prince'."

Jaide still looked guilty. She reached over to pick at her bandages as everyone lapsed into silence again.

Hattie noticed that Moon kept glancing at the prince and looking away again, his eyes darting back and forth. She frowned. The tension here was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. She could clearly see the source of awkwardness: Moonjumper and the prince didn't know how to act around each other.

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