<> Post-story Planning <>

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Hello! I just wanted to give you an update.

Now that the main story is finished, I'm going to tell you my plans for this fic. Because I'm not done yet- oh no no no! I still have so many more ideas that I can't wait to share with you.

But first of all, I would like to thank everyone who was there with me and read through to the end. I had some old regulars from Shadow Rift and some new people who joined me, and I am grateful for all of you. I don't want to list you by name again (because that's too much WORK) but that doesn't make you ANY less appreciated.

I still love y'all even after the "Why would you do this"s and the "I hate you"s and the "You need therapy"s. I'm taking all of those comments as compliments and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me.


I'm planning on going through the book again and cleaning it up. I'll fix up any grammar mistakes, make some phrases clearer, update lore that I modified halfway through the book. While I do that, I'll go through the comments and story and compile a massive lore dump, which will touch up on things you might've forgotten, things I never told you, and things I told one person that others might not have seen.

After that, I'm planning on making a copy of Masked on ao3. A lot of people I know in the AHiT community prefer ao3 over Wattpad, and I want them to read it.

Then come the oneshots, which I will update on both ao3 and Wattpad. When the time comes, I'll give you more information about them. But for now, just know they're coming!

Anyway. Thanks for reading!


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