Something Dark

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I don't know why but I feel the need to point out the Outlander has long legs, but he's only about as big as Hat Kid and Bow Kid.

Smol boi.


Hat Kid poked her head into Jaide's home. Jaide was curled up in a chair, reading a book. There was something about it that reminded Hattie of Snatcher. He liked to read, too. She wondered if they'd met before.

But now wasn't the time. She could feel the Outlander trying to squirm out of her grasp. She squeezed his wrist tighter, and he froze.

"Hi, Jaide!" Hat Kid exclaimed.

Jaide looked up, her eyes wide. When she saw Hat Kid, her eyes lit up. "Oh, you're back!" she said with a smile. "I hope it wasn't too hard for you."

Hat Kid frowned for a moment. Before they'd set off to find the timepiece, Jaide had said that there was "quite a steep climb" and sugarcoated over the fact that it was a pecking cliff.

That brought up the important question: could they trust Jaide?

But, once again, that wasn't the time.

"We met someone new," Hat Kid said as Bow Kid caught up with them and stood in the doorway with Hattie.

"That's nice," said Jaide. Then she hesitated. "I wasn't aware that there was anyone else in the tundra. Who did you meet?"

Hat Kid glanced back at the Outlander. He shook his head, looking terrified as if to say No, don't do it.

She grinned at him, trying to show him that it would be okay. The Outlander's eyes widened as if to say Oh peck-

"We met this guy!" Hat Kid exclaimed, dragging the Outlander into view.

Hat Kid had never seen the happiness melt off of someone's face and turn to pure rage so quickly. Jaide stood from her chair, her green eyes blazing. "YOU!" she roared.

Oh. Maybe this isn't going to be okay.

The Outlander wrenched his hand out of Hat Kid's grasp and took a step back, looking scared. "M-me?" he squeaked, his voice considerably higher than before.

Jaide leaned down to his eye level. "What the peck do you think you're doing?!"

He gulped. His ears flattened against his head. His tail curled around him nervously. "W-well, y-y-you see, I, uh, I was just-"

Bow Kid walked over to defend him. "He's our friend."

Jaide, Hat Kid, and the Outlander gave Bow a shocked look. Hat Kid lifted an eyebrow. We're really doing the friendship thing?

Bow met her eyes. Yup, we're doing the friendship thing.

The fire in Jaide's eyes died down the tiniest bit. "Please tell me you're joking," she sighed.

"Nope," the two girls said at the same time. The Outlander gave them a hopeful look.

Jaide scowled. "You two are making the biggest mistake of your life." Her voice was deathly low.

"With what?" Hat Kid asked, challenging Jaide. "Trusting the Outlander, or trusting you?"

The look in Jaide's eyes was pained. She shot a stabbing look to Hat Kid, then turned back to the Outlander. She straightened up. "Those kids may have befriended you, but that doesn't change anything," she snarled. Hat Kid pursed her lips, realizing she was lucky Jaide had chosen to ignore her remark. "I want you to understand, you little devil, that if you do anything, and I mean anything to hurt these children, I will tear your wretched body into tiny pieces."

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