Painful Pasts, Bright Futures

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Wow....that was quick. Yikes.

I'm glad you're enjoying it, guys. Your support is amazing.


Jaide was, thankfully, in her home, her back to the entrance. She was wrapping a new bandage around her right arm.

Bow Kid knocked gently on the side of the wall that framed the entrance to Jaide's home, not wanting to burst in like they usually did. Jaide turned, and when she saw the kids, her face lit up. "Hello, children!" she exclaimed. "Give me a moment, please."

She turned away again, cutting the bandage with a glowing green finger. Once she finished wrapping her arm, she put away the bandages and turned back to the kids, smiling warmly. "I'm glad to see you," she told them. Jaide clasped her hands together. "So! What's the purpose of your visit?"

"We have a few things to tell you," Hat Kid said. "And a few things to ask."

Jaide nodded, still smiling, and made her way to her chair. Once she sat down, Hat Kid and Bow Kid joined her, perching on the arms of the chair.

"What is it you have to tell me?" Jaide asked.

Bow Kid winced. Jaide was pretty much the friendliest person they'd met on this planet. She'd probably be upset when she heard that they had to leave.

"Well, we've finished our business on this planet," Hat Kid said. Jaide's green eyes flicked to her, and her smile started to fade. "We're going to leave soon, now that we have all of our timepieces."

"Oh." Jaide lowered her gaze, her eyes turning sad. "Well, nothing can last forever, I suppose. I'm sure you have a home to go back to, people waiting for you..." When Jaide looked up, she was smiling again, but she looked upset. "I'm just glad I got to meet you two."

Bow's heart wrenched. Unable to contain herself, she wrapped her arms around Jaide. Jaide smiled at her, pulling her and Hat Kid into a hug. "Is that all you had to say?" Jaide asked softly.

Hattie nodded. Jaide tilted her head curiously. " said you had questions?"

Bow Kid sat up. "Yeah." She considered it for a moment. "They're a little personal. Is that okay?"

Had Jaide's smile turned forced, or was Bow just imagining it? "Of course," Jaide answered.

"They're about how you and your son died."

Jaide's face hardened, the smile falling off of her face. She curled her tail in a bit closer and hugged the children a bit tighter. "Ask away." Her voice was quiet.

Bow Kid didn't know Jaide as well as some others, but she could tell by Jaide's tone of voice that they were coming on a dangerous topic. What if Jaide got angry? She almost shuddered, remembering the look on Jaide's face when they brought in the Outlander with him.

" were the tutor?" Hat Kid prompted uneasily.

"I was a tutor, yes," Jaide corrected. She paused. "How much do you know about my life?"

Hat Kid looked up at her. "Well, we know that you tutored the prince of Subcon," she admitted. Jaide's face softened. "We Queen Vanessa-"

At the merest mention of Vanessa, Jaide's green eyes flared such a harsh shade of green that it was almost yellow. She pulled away from the two children and stood, floating a short distance away. She reached up, softly touching the sides of her mask. "And how," Jaide murmured, "do you know that name? How do you know about that despicable woman?"

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