Forming A Plan

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Now that I think about it...these last two arcs are gonna be pretty short, aren't they?

Hm. That's not what I wanted, but I can't really find a way to extend it....



After Snatcher finished explaining, everyone was silent.

Bow couldn't help but look around at everyone. Surely everyone was just as shocked as she was? Just as frightened?

Snatcher's face was solemn and tilted to the floor. He wasn't able to look any of them in the eyes.

Hat Kid's eyes were wide and scared. She was staring straight ahead, but it didn't really seem like she was seeing what was before her.

Moonjumper looked shocked and disbelieving. He was blinking rapidly, maybe to keep tears out of his eyes.

Jaide's face was ashen and angry. There was a tinge of yellow in her eye. She wasn't glaring, but the way her eyes were wide but empty scared Bow Kid.

"I'm so sorry," Snatcher murmured again.

Jaide's eyes narrowed.

"I-it's not your fault," Moonjumper quickly cut in. He floated forward a little, putting himself between Jaide and Snatcher. "It's no one's fault."

Jaide looked like she disagreed with that.

Snatcher lifted his gaze and looked questioningly at Jaide. "Are you mad?" His voice was uncharacteristically soft.

After another moment of staring at him, Jaide broke eye contact, looking down. "Yes, I am," she answered. Her voice was strained. "I-I'm not mad at you, though. I shouldn't be." Jaide blinked a few times. The yellow faded out of her eyes. "It's just...hard to process."

Moonjumper nodded. He glanced at the kids, giving them a look that held the question, Are you okay?

Bow Kid didn't know how else to answer, so she just nodded slightly. Moon looked away again.

"We're going to rescue him, though, right?" Hat Kid suddenly blurted out. All three ghosts turned to look at her, their expressions ranging from surprised to annoyed. She met their gazes defiantly. "I mean, we just met him!" she exclaimed determinedly. "There's no way we're gonna let our friend rot in a dungeon!"

They were silent. Snatcher looked like he didn't know what to think. Moon looked nervous. But Jaide had a decisive gleam in her eye.

"Get him back?" Snatcher asked finally. "Kiddo, even going over to the manor would be certain death. She's going to be super clingy now that she has her prince back." He sounded disgusted. "Vanessa was strong before, but she'll fight until her very destruction before she ever gives him back."

"Yes, but we can't just let him suffer, can we?" Moonjumper asked. "Who knows what Vanessa will do to him?"

Snatcher scowled at the floor. He knew what Vanessa would do to the prince.

Jaide sighed. "I know it's dangerous, but I agree with the kids and Moon." Moon looked a little surprised at that. "I'm willing to fight to get the prince back from Vanessa."

Bow Kid noticed that both Jaide and Snatcher spoke Vanessa's name like it was a bitter curse.

Snatcher gave her a curious look. "Is this about Levi?"

Her face grew hard. "Partially."

Before Snatcher could ask any more, Moonjumper spoke up again. "W-well, what do you think?" he asked, gesturing to the kids.

Again, all of the ghosts' gazes were suddenly on them. Bow Kid felt a sudden, small shiver run through her. She didn't really like abrupt attention, and the look in their eyes made it worse, somehow. Of course, they weren't upset with her, but it was still scary.

"Of course we wanna get him back!" Hat Kid exclaimed bravely. Bow was suddenly immensely relieved that Hattie didn't have the same anxiety that she did. Hattie looked to Bow, a soft look in her blue eyes. "Right?" she asked quietly.

Bow Kid managed to smile and nod. "Of course," she said, feeling better thanks to her friend.

"Then I guess it's settled," Snatcher answered, his voice flat. He propped his elbow upon the arm of his chair and rested his head in his hand. "Okay, kiddos, since you visited the manor because of the contract-"

"They did WHAT!?" Jaide asked, her eyes flaring furiously.

Snatcher just waved the question away. "-and it's been centuries since I've been there last. I bet that place is falling down now." He raised his head slightly. "We'll need to know possible entrances and exits into the manor that won't alert her."

Okay, um, wow, this was actually growing serious. The girls immediately started thinking. "The front door was blocked," Bow Kid answered. "There was too much snow to open the doors. We had to go around to the back and enter through the dungeon doors."

He nodded. "And how did you leave the attic?"

Jaide looked angrier. "They went into her attic-"

Moonjumper put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a now isn't the best time look. Jaide huffed and fell quiet.

"We just teleported back to the ship," Hat Kid answered.

Snatcher nodded. He turned to address them all as a group. "Another problem we'll need to solve would be the bridge," he said. "For one thing, it's broken. I have no idea how the prince got across it when there's a huge gap, especially in the span of a few seconds, but I don't think the kids can get over it."

"Actually-" Hattie started.

He lifted a claw, interrupting her. "I'd also like to bring my minions along for extra help." His yellow eyes narrowed. "I could have them build a bridge out of fallen branches and other materials, but the only problem is fixing the bridge gives her a way into Subcon."

Understanding, Moon and Jaide nodded. Snatcher continued. "As soon as we get him back, and as many of my minions get back as possible, we'll have to break it again."

Jaide tilted her head. "And what if she catches us?" she asked. "What if a fight breaks out?"

Snatcher thought about it. "Well, we'd be screwed," he answered.

Moonjumper looked shocked. "Wh-what?" he asked.

"She's too strong," Snatcher told him. "The only way we'd stand a chance is if all three of us fight her."

He looked alarmed.

"What if we divert her attention?" Jaide asked. "While one of us gets the prince from the dungeon and takes him back to Subcon, two of us fight her." Her eyes grew brighter as the idea grew. "If you're fighting her, she'll be too distracted to notice the magic of someone teleporting away in the dungeon."

Snatcher nodded. "Two of us can keep up with her..." then he glanced at the kids. "And you two are sure you want to come along?"

"Yes," the girls answered at the same time.

"Fine." Snatcher looked away. "We'll figure this out."

"We'll have to," Moon murmured solemnly.

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