A Not-So-Valiant Rescue

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I told a reader that I'd get this chapter out by Friday, hopefully.

Look how THAT turned out, HA!

I'm so, so sorry.

Although...the fact that I actually managed to get this out early and catch up with the chapters is impressive for my situation.


Hat Kid stuck close to Jaide and Moonjumper as they made their way to the back of the manor. Snatcher was directing his minions in a hushed voice. Whatever he was saying was slowly growing quieter as they moved farther away.

They ducked behind the back of the manor. Moon immediately turned around and lifted his gaze to the sky. "When she's outside, Snatcher will send a signal," he murmured. "That's when we'll know it's safe to go inside."

Bow Kid nodded and exhaled an unsteady breath. Sympathetic, Hattie reached out and squeezed her hand.

This was pretty much the only place on the planet that they genuinely hated. Hat Kid wasn't a big fan of Nyakuza (though Bow LOVED it; there were so many cats there!), and Bow didn't like how cold it was at the Cruise Ship, but there was nothing else that scared them and left a bad taste in their mouths like Vanessa's manor.

Understandably, it also disturbed the ghosts. Jaide was pacing, hugging herself so tightly that her claws were starting to tear at the sleeves of her dress. Moon was still watching the sky, but he nervously fidgeted with his hands or his monocle.

"What if something happens?" Bow Kid asked suddenly. Jaide looked up at her but didn't stop her pacing. "Or...what if something has already happened?"

Moonjumper's eyes flicked to her, then back to the sky. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Bow swallowed hard, tears in her eyes. Hattie squeezed her hand again. "What if he's...he's dead?"

Jaide jolted suddenly and turned away, grabbing at the sides of her mask. "He can't be dead," she whispered. "He can't be dead, he can't be dead, he can't be dead."

Moon glanced at Jaide, confused, looking like he wanted to comfort her, but turned his gaze back to the sky.

Was it just Hattie's imagination, or could she hear voices coming from the front of the manor? One of them vaguely sounded like Snatcher. And, she realized with a horrific shudder, the other voice was the sickening drawl of Queen Vanessa. Both of them sounded angry.

Then the sky lit up with a bright multicolored beam shooting into the sky. Hattie gasped, recognizing it as one of Snatcher's attacks. A wretched scream tore through the air.

"That's the signal!" Moon exclaimed, whipping back toward them with wide eyes. "Well, not the scream, though it was still delightful to hear."

Hattie smiled a little. Bow giggled anxiously. Jaide did nothing.

Moon floated over to the double dungeon doors. Hat Kid and Bow Kid ran over too. Moon reached down, grabbed the iron bars firmly, and pulled.

The doors rattled, but they didn't budge.

With a frown, he tried again. They still didn't open. "It's locked," he reported, letting go. He looked shocked.

Hat Kid groaned. Bow Kid looked horrified. "H-how are we going to open it?" she asked.

Without a word, Jaide brushed past them and lowered a finger to the doors. It burned with a mixture of yellow and green embers. The wood burned where she touched it. She drew a neat circle with her finger around the handles on the door, leaving a burnt circle behind. Jaide lifted her finger, the magic disappearing, then used the same hand to push on the circle.

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