Dark Identity

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Boy, I sure do love talking about equally important topics like the end of the world and gender.


Everyone stared at Ichor for a long time. Bow Kid was half-expecting the devil to suddenly grin and go, "HA! Gotcha! You should've seen the look on your faces!" but they didn't. Ichor stared back with cold intensity.

"What?" Moon finally asked.

"If all dreams didn't shrivel up and die in the underworld, then it would be all unholy beings' dream to invade the physical world," Ichor explained. "It's all they want, the greedy pigs." A sour look crossed their face, and they muttered something incomprehensible.

Jaide looked distressed and hugged Levi closer. "I'll be honest- I don't find that entirely surprising," she murmured.

Ichor smirked slightly. "Considering your experience with me, huh?"

Jaide's blue eyes widened. "No, I didn't mean it like that-"

Ichor waved her away. "Nah, it's fine. But anyway, back on topic!"

"Hold on," Snatcher interrupted. He had a suspicious look on his face. "How do we know we can trust you?"

The devil returned his gaze with a bright yellow smile. "You can't!" They chirped.

Everyone slowly shuffled away, except for Snatcher, who straightened up with a glare.

"And I'm gonna give you a good reason, unlike the Outlander with his stupid loopholes," Ichor continued, still smiling. "You see, I've wanted to visit the physical world for thousands of years. And then I got to the physical world- but I was trapped for five hundred years!" They emphasized the words icily, and the smile slipped off their face. "So I'm sure you'll find it understandable when I say that I don't want this place to let me down."

They reached out a hand toward their grimoire. The floating spellbook moved over to Ichor, and they rested it on their lap midair. "So, I have a proposition," Ichor said. "Actually, not a proposition. It's happening whether you like it or not." They drummed their fingers on the book cover. "If this place happens to bore me more than I'd like...if this place turns out to be less fun than I thought it would be...and if I decide that it's no longer worth it..." The smile was back on their face, but now it was cruel and made Bow shiver. "I will destroy this world. Who cares about controlling it? I'll simply obliterate its position from the universe!" They giggled, placing both hands on their grimoire. "And I have more than enough spells in here that'll do the job, believe me."

Everyone was quiet again. Bow Kid looked around at the ashen faces of her friends around her. Jaide was covering her mouth, looking horrified. Moon hugged her around the shoulders with wide eyes. Snatcher's face was steely, but he looked less fluffy than usual. The prince looked like he was going to start crying again.

"But, no pressure, y'know," Hat Kid said, breaking the silence.

Ichor's wings flapped as they looked at the kids. "I like you!" they said with a laugh.

"Yay?" Bow Kid offered.

Ichor laughed again and hugged their grimoire closer. "Anyway. Blah blah blah, demons and devils alike want to take over the world, but I don't since I'm not bored yet." Their heart-shaped tail dangled, its point lightly touching the floor. Ichor looked like they were somehow balancing on their long, thin tail. "I will protect you from any and every demon and devil that dares try to attack because you guys are the most interesting people on this planet."

"Th-thank you," the prince couldn't help but murmur. He looked embarrassed for speaking up.

Ichor tilted their head. "Unless..."

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