The Flower Fields

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I literally checked the AHIT wiki for this

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I literally checked the AHIT wiki for this.

So it IS a tail! Ah-ha!

Now I'm educated on the anatomy of a snoodle.


Hat Kid decided not to ask what Bow Kid meant by "screwing up" and the look on her friend's face told her that it was better if she didn't ask.

"Come on," Hat Kid said. She took Bow Kid by the hand and pointed to the northwest. In the distance, if Hat Kid squinted, she could see a glimmer of light. That had to be the timepiece. All they had to do was follow the light just like in Alpine Skyline.

The two girls, hand-in-hand, started to run over the ice. It was strange to run over the ice but to not slip at all. Thanks to Jaide's spell...

"Do you think Jaide's gonna betray us?" Hat Kid asked Bow Kid. She didn't turn back to see Bow's face change. Hat Kid kept running, but she could guess that she'd probably shocked her friend.

Bow Kid nearly tripped on an uneven patch of ice, and Hat Kid stopped momentarily to steady her friend. Bow Kid sighed, straightened her bow, and looked Hat Kid in the eye. "No, I don't think so," she answered.

Hat Kid studied her friend. "Why not?" she asked curiously.

Bow Kid shrugged and looked to the side. "I dunno. It just doesn't feel like Jaide would want to betray us."

Maybe Bow Kid knew something Hat Kid didn't since Hattie wasn't as certain about Jaide as Bow. Of course, Jaide had saved them, helped them, and was kind to them. But after the whole incident with Mu, Hat Kid couldn't trust anyone else with timepieces. She didn't even want other people besides her and Bow to know they existed. They were much safer that way. There would be a lot fewer threats of timeline eradication and manipulation.

What would Jaide even want with timepieces, anyway? Hat Kid had found herself thinking about that a lot. What would people want to use the timepieces for? Some people had told her outright. DJ Grooves wanted to turn back time to win all of the movie awards instead of the Conductor. Mu wanted to get rid of all the "bad guys".

It was kind of easy to guess with other people, even if they hadn't said their plans out loud. The Mafia Boss was probably going to use the timepieces to gain more power. Over what, Hat Kid couldn't tell. The Mafia basically had the whole island to themselves. Then there was the Empress. She probably wanted to use the timepieces to gain even more money and power somehow. She was greedy and horrible, and greedy and horrible people wanted power and money.

And then some people were a complete mystery to her, like Snatcher. Snatcher had been awfully insistent that the timepieces belonged to him, probably more than anyone else. But Hat Kid couldn't figure out his motives. As much as she wanted to believe that there was some good in him, (he had helped them in the fight with Mu, after all) his actions otherwise frustrated Hat Kid. I mean, come on, was all the Death Wish stuff necessary? And where had he gotten all the timepieces to make the Death Wishes?! That was strange.

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