Reluctant Insight

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Hi everybody! It's been a little bit, but here's the new oneshot!

To be truthful, this didn't come out the way I first imagined. I originally intended the oneshot to focus more on Snatcher AND Prince AND Moonjumper. That didn't quite come to fruition.

However, I do like the turnout! This oneshot is to make up for the lack of a deep dive we go into with Snatcher in the fic itself, and to further solidify the tension between him and other characters. Not to mention we look at some of the prince's...deeper worries. Moonjumper doesn't get a starring role here, but I think the previous oneshot covered him well still!

I also used it as an opportunity to hint at my Badgeseller lore!

It's also a lot shorter lmao

Without further ado, please enjoy!

Oneshot status: Canon

Set: A week or so after the events of the fic

Length: 4k words


Things had finally settled down in Subcon. It had been too long since Snatcher had gotten to sit down and read for a while... without distractions. He was taking advantage of the quiet moment; his tail was curled into loops on his chair, supporting his book, with its tip hanging off the edge. He sank comfortably into his favorite chair.

Even in his familiar routine, this was something new. While looking through the ruins of Halcyon, Jaide found a few books that survived the wreckage. She'd brought them to him, and he'd chosen a couple to read. It was nice to have something new to read after hundreds of years.

The book was thick. The back was faded, but the text on the inside was intact; Jaide had made sure of it. He had no idea what could be in store. It could be anything from an informational text to a romance novel. If it were the latter, he'd use it to fuel the Fire Spirits' bonfires.

He opened the book and gingerly turned the first page. His eyes landed on the first word, and immediately someone's voice cut through his concentration.

"What'cha reading?" The voice was right over his shoulder and much too close for comfort.

Snatcher jolted away, jerking into a much more awkward position. He uncurled his tail and snapped the book closed, glaring indignantly at the intruder of his private time. "Leave me alone," he grumbled.

Ichor floated down from their position and hovered just in front of his chair. "Is that the name of the book?" they asked, completely clueless to Snatcher's mounting annoyance. "Strange," they hummed. "Books are interesting, aren't they? I chose to use a grimoire because it was a unique way to bind spells, at least in the underworld." They cocked their head. "What do people even write about? There has to be some reason, right? They're not just wasting their time and materials?"

Snatcher deepened his scowl, his fur prickling with irritation. "Go ask someone else if you want to know so badly," he snarled. He opened up the book again, sinking into the folds of his body and struggling to relax again.

Before he could start reading, Ichor's face suddenly appeared in front of the pages, upside-down. Snatcher flinched away, flattening himself against his chair. "But you're right here," Ichor answered, flipping right-side-up again. They twined their legs midair, casually cupping their face in their hands. "Why won't you tell me?"

"Because you annoy me to no end," Snatcher answered flatly. "You ask too many questions."

"I get that a lot," Ichor answered, matching his tone. "That was one of the reasons I was trapped in a mask and banished from the underworld."

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