Dance Rehearsals

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Demi POV

   The next morning I had to be up early to meet the rest of the cast at the dance studio. I was going alone since the boys are not dancing. They got the day off but tomorrow they start filming the opening scene with big rob. Once Big rob dropped me off at the studio I headed inside 

"Miss Lovato" A taller man said once I walked in 

"Yes, sorry I'm late, where's the studio" I asked texting away in my phone

"Umm,... that's what I'm trying to find out" he said 

"Sorry I thought you worked here" I said embarrassed now looking at him fully

"No, I guess you haven't heard I'm Mdot, I'm playing luke in the movie" He said with a wink. 

"Oh cool, nice to meet you. I thought you guys already learned the dances" I asked confused 

"Yea we did, but now we gotta teach you. I Just got to Canada this morning and came straight here" He said looking towards his bags that were in the corner 

"Where are you from" I asked 

"Ohio" He said 

"There you two are, come on" A man said coming down a hall. He mentioned for us to follow him so we did. 

"So Demi, looks like we are gonna be seeing a lot of each other" He said as we walked down the long hall

"I'm flattered, but I'm here to hurry up and shoot a movie. Maybe after the movie done then we can talk" I told him as the man we where following opened a door

"Keeping it professional, I like that" He said with another wink. We walked in and everyone was already here. 

   Once the girls saw me we kinda screamed and ran to each other for hugs. Truthfully I didn't think I'll miss them this much. Sure Alyson and I saw each other a few times after we filmed the first movie. I was just excited to Megan who I clicked really well with. And Anna- Marie she was a pure Angel the sweeties ever. 

"Girls, girls, girls. Save the screams and hugs for the camera" Our I'm guessing choreographer said. We stopped hugging and trying to catch up in that less then a minute reunion. I was looking around the room and noticed we got all new dancers. 

"Already so,..Demi I'm David I'll be the choreographer for this movie, we have some exciting dance numbers and we are excited to help teach you" He said 

"Thanks I'm ready to get right into it" I told him

"Perfect that's what I love to hear. let's start with the it's on number" David called out and everyone kind started walking around the room getting into position. You could tell how lost I was. Mdot kinda approached me. 

"Ah, we meet again" he said 

"Alright Demi, luckily you only have to learn 3 dance numbers this number is super easy, the guys have a dance break in the middle of the song so you don't have a full dance routine on this song." 

"Cool, I'm ready to get this show on the road" I said 

"Love it alright from the top" David called out

   I was luckily enough that I had a very good memory. Dance routines kinda came easy for me so it didn't take me long to learn the It's on routine. 

"Perfect now from the top D" David said he was very corky fun to work with 

"I hope you don't mind I like to keep my cardio up and practice on my breathing so I'll probably be singing" I warned 

"Hey, No worries i get it. If I had a voice like yours i wouldn't stop singing" He said laughing as we all got into the first position. 

"When ever your ready" David said. How am I supposed to start without a beat so I kinda looked at Jman I got super close with him and Roshon last movie. 

"Drums" Jman shouted 

"A little guitar please" Roshon said 

"1...2...3...4" Jman and Roshon said together, it was crazy how much they thought a like

"I hope your ready for the time of your life, Just look at me, I put a gleam in your eye, Buckle up I'm gonna take you for a ride" I sang and danced and maybe was a little to flirty with Mdot. 

"Let's go, We got you..." Alyson sang 

"Cut, hold it good intro D. I know we are focusing on dancing today but the lyrics are 'we are gonna take you for a ride' not 'I'm gonna take you' remember it's a kids movie PG" David said and we all kinda laughed 

"Oops, yea I should go back and re read these lyrics" I said 

"No problem just thought I should correct it now,... and again from the top" David shouted. 

   Dance rehearsals kinda went on for a few more hours we did get an hour lunch. 

"Hey D, my sister wants you guys to come over for dinner sometime" Jman said he lived here in Canada not to far from the camp site too

"Of course I'll be there I miss her. Can I go over today" I asked 

"Duh, she'll be stoked, are the brothers in town" He asked 

"Yea they had a show last night, they had the day off but tomorrow they start filming" 

"Cool, invite them if you want" He said 

"Maybe next time, I need a break from them" I said 

"Already didn't you guys just get back from  touring" Jman asked

"They are my brothers I need as much time away from them as possible" I said and he just laughed 

"I'm gonna let Paul and Denise know I'm going over, can you bring me back to the hotel if not it's cool I can get Big Rob" I asked 

"Of course D, I gotchu" He said 

   After lunch we got into the other routines. I was proud of myself for learning the 3 routines in a day now to perfect them. 

   After rehearsal Paul and Denise said it was okay if I went with Jman to his house, they loved his sister Sarah. She was like a big sister already. I stayed and chatted with them for awhile and even stayed for dinner. We talked a lot. I told them about Trace, and life on the road. They asked about my birthday. I told them I was to busy touring we didn't do anything but go out to eat. So they kinda gave me the idea to throw myself a REALLY LATE birthday party once we got back to California. I was all for it. I was all for having any kind of party to be honest. We even got the idea to perform a dance number that Jman and her wanted to choreograph. 

"I'm down for whatever, we can get some of the dancers to join in, but once this movie is done we can talk more about it. I wanna focus on one thing at a time." I told them and they agreed. 

(Author Note: I promise more Jemi in this book is about to come eeeek) 

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