South American

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Demi POV 

   The whole time we were in New York I was fucking Miserable. We didn't even make it out of New York before I went off and posted a tweet to Twitter telling the fans Joe and I broke up. 

Paul was upset with how I handled the situation ,but to be honest i didn't care

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Paul was upset with how I handled the situation ,but to be honest i didn't care. How did he expect me to handle this in the first place.  I was sick and fucking tired of the rumors, of the questions about our relationship and tour. Not like it was anyone fucking business but everyone was just so nosey. 

   After New York Nick, Paul and I went to Texas. Nick wanted to see his grandparents and I wanted to see Madi before I didn't see her for a few weeks. I also came to get Layla to travel with me. I wasn't even in Texas for 24 hours when Layla and I took a flight to Singapore. When I was in Texas though Denise and Paul had a talk with me about Madi. Her show was getting cancelled next year but she still had one more season to film. They were talking about enrolling Madi and Frankie into  public school here in Texas. Which means they would live here permanently.  They wanted Madi and Frankie to meet kids their age and get away from Hollywood. Denise also mentioned how she wanted to be here more for her parents. What was I gonna do argue with them. Denise was already gonna stay in Texas with Madi and Frankie while we were on tour. And She was like "You and Nick will be 18 when the tour over, I think it's time for us to move out anyways" Denise said. This was weird usually it's the kids who move out of the house first not the parents. I was kinda hurt thinking about Madi and I not living in the same house anymore, but I also knew they were right. I didn't want Madi to be raised in Hollywood. I guess I should be happy she'll be in Texas and not New Jersey. At least she'll get to know we're our mother came from and get to know a little bit about the Texas culture. 

I was going to Singapore too put on a few shows, do some meet and greets, I even had a cd singing for my second album. I loved having Layla with me and I knew she was happy to get away. 

"Did Paul and Denise talk to you" I asked as we were on our flight to Singapore. 

"They did, I think they fired me" Layla said kinda upset since we did hire her originally to homeschool Madi & Frankie. 

"We'll your gonna be on tour with us either way how about you be like my personal assistant for now on. The pay will be the same" I said 

"Your to generous thank you Demi. I wasn't ready to find another job" She said

"Girl your family at this point you don't gotta worry about anything and now mom and dad are moving out with the kids, we have a mansion together. We'll one we will share with Nick" I said I was kinda looking forward to having the house to our selfs. 

The shows I did put on in South America over the next two weeks was the same show as my solo tour. The only difference was the set list. I did sing all the same songs the only difference was I added world of chances. These shows were the first time I was singing that song live. The first night in Singapore I did have a show. I performed 19 songs. Opening with La La land, then I would sing the theme song to Sonny with a Chance So far so great, then I sang gonna get caught, u got nothing on me, party, train wreck, catch me, the Spanish version of the this is me/ Lo que soy, Paul though I should sing a song a prompt camp rock so I sang can't back down, then I continued with Until Your Mine, Solo, Stop The World, Two Worlds Collide, I even sang a cover of the Natural Woman by Aretha Franklin this song I was only going to perform it tonight, then I continued with Every Time You Lie, Remember December, Here We Go Again, Don't forget and Get Back. All the songs were about Joe. I even change a lyric in the song solo so fans knew who I singing about. I couldn't help myself get emotional I started crying through most of the set list but I was also still trying to keep a brave face. During songs like solo, stop the world and catch me you could tell I was crying, my voice cracked so many times especially during catch me the fans took over and I was so over whelmed with how loud the fans and amazing the fans were it really warmed my heart. After the concert when I got back to the hotel Paul called me. Max who I bought with me as my bodyguard gives Paul a follow up at the end of the day so I knew he told Paul about my emotional show. He was just calling to see how I was doing he also saw a video a fan posted of tonight. 

"Yes I'm fine, I was just over whelmed with the fans here, like English is there second language some don't even know English and they were so loud tonight." I said 

"Yea South American does have a lot of love don't worry soon we we'll all be there this summer" Paul said 

"I can't wait" I was sarcastically

"Sweetie I know this break up is hard. You seem more hurt by it then your other break up. Are you sure your okay. I can fly out and be there for you. I'm sure the boys can handle things on there own, I can bring Maddie too" He said 

"It's okay dad, thank you though. I am okay. I just need this, to be away and keeping busy will help." I said 

"Okay but you say it and Madi and I are on the next fly out to you" Paul said 

"Thanks dad, I'll call y'all tomorrow. I'm gonna shower and get ready for bed." I said 

"Okay Demi, Goodnight. We love you" He said 

"Goodnight. Love you too" I said and we hung up. 

   It was really refreshing just being back on the road doing my own thing by myself in South America. Just keeping busy and being on the go all the time helped me try and not think of Joe to much. The only thing that sucked was being sober. Layla was old enough to buy us alcohol but that was the only thing I could get my hands on being over here. Even when we did finally go on vacation. After being all over South American the past two week. Our vacation was finally here. Paul got us reservations at a beach in Cabo, Mexico. It was a short four days but we made it worth it. Of course we were at the beach majority of the time, riding jet skis and tanning. I did have to do a photoshoot one day in the morning. I didn't mind it keep me busy, but the day before the photoshoot I dyed my hair at a local solan. I didn't even tell no one till they saw the photos. Which got released the same day they were took . My hair was a lot lighter I added blonde highlights. Everyone loved it I did get a lot of positive feed back from everyone at home.

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