Nick & Danielle Birthday

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Demi POV

   The weekend finally came today was the 17 of September. Nick birthday was yesterday and Danielle birthday is tomorrow so today was the day we were throwing there double birthday celebration. Luckily the whole cast and dancers had the weekend off so I invited everyone I can to the party that Jman was hosting at his sisters house with my assistance of course.  Jman picked me up early that afternoon so I can 'help' them set everything up. Which I did, but they didn't really need my help; I just loved hanging out with him and his sister because they were smokers. Not cigarettes, Marijuana. His sister and her boyfriend smoked but they also did more then that I didn't ask exactly what they use, and they don't know I'm a user  as well. They just think I only smoke weed. Which is all they need to know, but truthfully I was kinda craving some harder stuff. I just didn't know how to ask this man Or if I can even trust him.             

   Everyone kinda just started showing up around the same time of course the brothers were the last to arrive with Danielle who flew in just this morning. I ran up to her for a hug once i saw them come threw the door.

"Hey girl, Happy early Birthday, there is cake and ice cream for later" I hold her

"Ooh my gosh  D you didnt have to get me a cake" She said she was always so sweet an innocent

"Ooh i didint, You gotta thank Kevin; he didnt even get Nick a cake. Sarah Jmans sister baked him one" i said leading her more into the house

"awe thanks Kev, lets go thank Sarah" Danielle  said to Kevin as they wallked off

"enjoy yourselfs there's beer in the fridge" I told Joe and Nick as I walked off to go find Chloe. Who was dancing away with the dancers in the middle of the house.

   It was great how fast our freiendship grew with eachother, not just with the main cast members, but also with the dancers. Its was great reuniting with the old cast but to meet thees great new people is one of the many reasons i love my job.  

    Alyson, Megan, Nick and myself were probably the youngest people  here so when i said there was a party happening everyone let loose. Its was 30 minutes till midnight and mostly everyone was drunk at this point. I was walking out the bathroom when i noticed a few of the Dancers who werent dancing in a coner of the house and if i didnt know better it looked like a drug trade was happening. So i made my way over to them. I mean they couldnt snitch on me because they would be in just as much trouble i would be in, maybe even more. They couldnt fire me, but they can fire them.

"Hey" i said once i approched one of the dancers he was trying to be slick like he didnt have anything 

"What is up D" Bruno said greening for no reason

"I saw you, you dont have to hide"

"I dont know what your talking about" he said

"Chill, i wont rat i was just gonna ask if you have anything to sell"

"Can i trust you" He asked

"Seriousely, your gonna ask that"

"Yes, i dont need your dad to find out" He said

"Please,.. this isnt my first rodeo. What daddy doesnt know wont hurt him" I said touching his arm trying to flirt

"okay fine, how much do you need"

"i just need like 4 uppers" I told him and he let out a chuckle

"I only have powder,... you know,... snow" He said and to be honest i was kinda hesitant because ive only done pills/ bars.

"okay, fine. How much for a hit or two" 

"ill give you a hit for free but if you wanna buy a gram for $300 let me know"

"okay, i will for sure. Now about that hit" i asked

"come on we shouldnt do it out here in front of everyone" Bruno said

"come on i know where we can go" I said as i made my through the house with Bruno behind me i found Jman and told him to follow me to be honest i didnt even know Bruon that much i didnt wanna be alone with him when i try cocaine for the first time. So i dragged Jman with Bruno and me to his room. 

"What sup D,.. Bruno?"Jman  said once we where all in his room with the door closed

" you trust me right" i told Jman

"of course whats going on" He said drunkinly looking between Bruno and i

"Nothing we just needed to use your room and i wanted you here for this" i said

"Wait im sorry D, im not into no three sum" Jman said making Bruno laugh

"No, shut up this isnt that" i said sitting on his bed. bruno sat on the floor but pulled out his stach on his bed

"Are you sure about this" Bruno said looking between me and Jman

"Yeah hes cool, he wont say anything" i said looking at Jman giving him a look as Bruno got everything ready for us to take a hit

"Wait ... what D im not comf-" Jman began to say till i cut him off

"Its okay ive done this before, you got me right" I said lying of course

"Yea" Jman said taking a drink of his drink he had in hand before setting in a chair he had in his room

"one line for you, one for me" Bruno said handing me a dollar bill.

Even tho ive never done it before ive seen plenty of movies and been to plenty of partys to know what i do next. So i grabbed the dollar bill with a bit hesitation i took a slow breath before i stuck the bill in my nose and went for it.  Inhaling the white powder in a line infront of me. I handed Bruno the rolled up dollar bill and he took the hit like a pro even finishing what ever i didnt inhale.

"You okay?" Jman asked

"Yea, im pumped and ready to go back out there"I said standing up as Bruno got his stuff together

"yea lets go before they start looking for us" Bruno said and exited the room first going  back to the dancers he was with previously  

"Thanks, man you the best" I said full of energy basiaclly jumping up and down as i gave Jman a quick hug

"There you guys are its cake time" Sarah said

   After we sang happy birthday to Danielle and Nick everyone went back to enjoying the party thoses dancers never get tired.

"Your so beautifull i forgot my pick up line"Mdot said coming next to me as i danced with Chloe, Megan and a few other femela dancers

"Ha-ha- You had all night and thats the best you came up with" I said facing him

"Its the only thing i can think of that wouldnt get me slapped in the face" Mdot said into my ear

"Oh yea try me" I said flirty

"sorry to steal her but D we need you" Joe said pulling me away

"seriously, i was enjoying myself which is what yall are supposed to be doing" I said looking at him and Nick as we approuched him, Kevin and Danielle.

"You dont wanna enjoy youself to much with him" Joe said meaning Mdot i just rolled my eyes

"Hey D, Dani and i are gonna get going. Someone a little to tipsy" Kevin said holding up Danielle

"Well you did want her to have a good time" I said

"I did, thank you again D your the best sister  ever dont tell Madi i said that" Kevin said as he and Danielle left

"Are you guys leaving too" I asked

"Nope someone has to watch you" Nick said

"Ha-Ha its okay Jman with me" I told them

"Jman just as drunk as you" Joe said

"and you guys are not which is making me sad, drink up your only young once" I said and walked off disappearing  into the crowd.

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