Who to trust?

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 Demi POV 

   When Joe left that evening Paul and Denise came up to my room and had a talk with me, but truthfully I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying. It went in one ear and out the other. They didn't say anything different then what Joe said and all three of them talked I didn't even get a word in. I knew they wouldn't understand nobody did. They wouldn't leave my sight over the next few days, it was really annoying. It wanted me to use drugs that much more. I didn't but I did think about it. Instead I knew I needed to go out, I needed to get away. I found out We the Kings had a show in LA. I messaged Travis that I kinda wanted to go so he can get me in back stage and he actually got the idea to also just have me perform our song together on stage. Of course I wasn't gonna turn it down it's great promo for it and Paul wouldn't say no either to me going if I was performing. So when I told them about it they were kinda shocked and surprised that I actually wanted to be on stage three days after the incident. Life goes on right so I had to too. Plus Paul and Denise were driving me crazy. 

   The day of the concert I asked Nick to come with me for old time sake plus I didn't wanna ask Joe. I know he won't admit this but something changed between us that night. If Paul and Denise weren't keeping an eye on me like on set of Sonny with a Chance, Joe would come over for lunch you know to make sure all is good. He was driving me crazy too, trying to have small talk when I know we can both feel the tension between us. 

"Joe upset you didn't invite him" Nick said as we were on our way to the show

"You told him" I said to Nick I was driving so I couldn't really look at him. 

"Of course I did, I didn't know you didn't want him to know" Nick said 

"It's not that" I said rolling my eyes 

"We'll I only told him because he wanted to come to the house tonight" Nick said and that surprise me he never came to the house during the week but I bet I know why. 

"I bet I know why" I said 

"We are just all worried about you" Nick said and again I rolled my eyes of course they told Nick. 

"We'll don't be. It was just one time" I said 

"But was it" Nick said and I remember that night after Miley's 16 birthday party where Joe and Nick confronted me about cutting my wrist and how there were pictures on the internet. Since that day I stopped cutting on my wrist and switch to my leg, my upper thigh. 

"Yes it was, look I understand why everyone worried but I'm fine I promise and I promise to try and not read any more fucking comments. I just Wish everyone can get off my tail already" I said 

"Hey, you invited me tonight" Nick said 

"Yes, I was hoping we have a nice stress free night enjoying some music" I said 

"Is there an after party you haven't told me about" Nick said and again I rolled my eyes 

"No and if he does invite us some where afterwards I'm declining saying we have a 5 am wake up call" I said. I knew since Joe and I are officially dating Nick wouldn't wanna come between us so he'll tell Joe everything and since after that incident a few days ago I knew for a fact I had to be careful inviting Nick places and what I did around him. I couldn't go to an after party with Nick and no Joe knowing that if I drank or did anything Nick would go tell Joe. So I didn't wanna go. Plus I was trying to prove to Nick and Joe that I can go out with friends and not be tempted. I knew I was gaslighting them, but I had to. 

   We the kings weren't the only one that performed that night

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   We the kings weren't the only one that performed that night. So did Mayday Parade and A Rocket to the Moon. All really great bands. There was an after party but I told them exactly what I planned on telling them. They understood so after the show we said our byes then Nick and I headed home. We actually stopped at a restaurant that was between the venue and the house. 

"So what's going on with you and Joe that you didn't wanna tell him about tonight" Nick asked once we order our food. 

"I knew he would find out eventually, I was gonna call him when we got home" I said 

"We're you" Nick asked raising an eyebrow trying to read my face 

"Yes I was, I know he's upset with me still. I need to do something right? Like show him how much I do care about him" I asked Nick. I been wanting to ask Nick that for the past few days. I didn't ask Miley cause I know what she'll say, plus I wanted a guy's opinion i didn't wanna come off as clingy. 

"He's not mad Demi. He just wishes you come talk to him when... you have... you know urges" Nick said and I rolled my eyes. There wasn't an hour that didn't past bye were I didn't roll my eyes. 

"It was one time, plus you guys were supposed to be working all day. What happened?" I asked 

"I-I don't know. Our evening studio session got cancelled and Joe said he was feeling kinda sick and had a feeling that was telling him to go to the house. Coincidence don't you think" Nick said.  Coincidence? Don't he mean weird. I didn't have a lot of believes, faith or hope and I for sure wasn't superficial. So again I rolled my eyes.

"Has he said anything else to you... about me?" I asked him. Worried.  

"No" Was all he said. I changed the subject after that talking about the show tonight. 

    When Nick and I did get home of course Paul was waiting up for us. Just to make sure we were okay coming home. Once I got to my room that night. I did call Joe. I wanted to talk to him make sure we were okay and there was no tension between us. Since we did have that Interview in the morning with Ryan Seacrest on his radio talk show. We were gonna talking about everything The second movie, the tour, the two shows, my episode of greys anatomy is coming out soon, American idol since Ryan on that show too. And they were also gonna ask about our past regarding me living with the Jonas and of course they were gonna ask about the relationship so Paul told us to be ready and be careful with what we say. 

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