Chloe Bridges

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Demi POV 

   A week has passed since we started the Dance rehearsal, finally we were done with that. I was just excited to finally start filming today. I meet the brothers including Frankie and 2 of the Dancers that was staying at the same hotel as us downstairs in the main lobby at 7 that morning to catch our ride to the camp site. When I finally got to the lobby I saw the Brothers the 2 guy dancers chatting it up and laughing with a brunette. Who looks like she could be my age. She looks familiar I just couldn't remember where I knew her from. 

"Good Morning Demi" Kevin said as I got closer to them

"Good Morning" Bruno one of the Dancers said why were people so cheerie in the morning  

"Mornin'" I said sounding half asleep

"Demi have you meet Chloe, Chloe this is Demi our leading lady" Joe said introducing us

"Hello, I'm Mitchie" I said truthfully I was half asleep I was joking but I still went for a hand shake. 

"Hi I'm Dana" she said with a smile just as big as my signature smile. 

"You look familiar I just can't remember from where" I told her

"I originally audition for the role of Mitchie, I was in the call back with you" She said and a light bulb went off in my head 

"Oh yea, How are you" I asked 

"Good, but not as good as you. No hard feelings I love you as Mitchie. I'm glad you got the role and found a family. I love you and your story I'm excited to work with you" She said giving me a hug

"Awe, thanks" I said of course hugging her back was it weird but I think this girl and I could be really great friends. "I'm excited to work with you too, to bad we don't have any scene together, someone doesn't like to share" I said looking at Nick teasing of course

"Hey, it's not like I wrote the script" Nick said 

"You kiddos ready, there's coffee in the car, Frankie we got you some chocolate milk. The site will have breakfast at catering ready when we arrive" Paul said and we all got into the van. 

   Chloe and I sat next to each other and talked the whole ride just the two of us in our own little conversations. It was easy talking to her. I really missed Miley i haven't seen her in awhile, sure we talk once in awhile but its different when we are on the road. It be nice to gain a few girl friends here. 

"So what's the story on Nick,... is he dating anyone" Chloe asked once we were on a lunch break sitting in catering along with everyone else all the cast and crew. "Or maybe even Joe" Chloe said and this time I looked at her 

"Ooh okay so Joe off limits, so Nick" Chloe asked She was blunt like Miley 

"Why do you say that" I asked with a fake laugh 

"It's okay I won't say anything" She said with a wink, I literally meet her this morning and she found out my biggest secret 

"I don't know what your talking about" I said looking down at my plate playing with my food

"Mmhm okay, So Joe available then huh" She asked 

"Yes Joe AND Nick are single Kevin engaged he's getting married in December hey Frankie single too" I said with a tease and a evil smirk

"I could get arrested for dating Frankie, next" She said

"We'll Joe and Nick are free, so have at them" I said 

"Nahh you can keep Joe, i got Nick" She said I rolled my eyes playfully at her

"Nothing going on with Joe and I they are my brothers so if you break their hearts I might come after you" I told her jokingly trying to change the subject 

"They are rockstars what if they break my heart" She said 

"They are preachers sons, you have nothing to worry about" I said 

"Are you so sure about that" She said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes again this time they landed on Joe he was already looking at me from across the room. I gave him a slight smile and faced Chloe again 

"I literally meet you this morning" I told her and she laughed 

"I knew I was right, I'm studying psychology" She said sounding proud of herself 

"Can I get the gossip on you two" She asked leaning in In a whisper 

"No, like I said I don't know what your talking about" I said 

"That's alright, we got what 2  months together. You'll tell me eventually" she said

"Whatever, so are you gonna make a move on my brother or what" I asked in a friendly manner

"Maybe, he's quite. He hasn't even talked to me" she said 

"Well I can tell you that he is exactly like Nate, he speaks better through music. Be patient with him" I told her 

"We'll I'm a go to, straight forward type of gal. If he takes to long he just might miss" She said 

"His birthday coming up" I told her 

"Crap which means I'll probably speak to him first" 

"I thought he hated me when we first meet because of how quiet he is. He really doesn't talk much around large crowds" I told her

"See, that's what I was starting to think. Maybe he hates me for a love interest" Chloe said 

"That's it,.... NICK" I shouted he turned his head quickly well so did everyone else I waved him to come over. He looked nervous he slowly got up and came our way

"Are you nuts" Chloe said and I gave her a smirk back 

"Nick this is Chloe you know the girl that plays your love interest, Chloe this is Nick Jonas" I said Chloe looked embarrassed, shy. 

"Hey" Nick said going for a hand shake

"Hi, I'm Chloe" She said nervously still

"There was that so hard, join us" I told him gesturing for him to sit next to her

"Umm, I'm sorry about her" Nick said taking a seat next to Chloe

"It's my fault, I told her I thought you hated me for your co- star" Chloe said 

"Sorry about that, my sibling tell me I need to communicate more" Nick said giving me a face

"No worries, I'm cool it's cool. I'm fine" She said still sounding nervous

"I'll see you around, I gotta go back we where having a very important conversation before Demi barked at me" He said standing up and leaving 

"Important conversation my ass" I said "see nothing to worry about" I told Chloe 

"Thanks Demi, for making things more awkward" she said 

"Hey I helped, I thought that went good, you just gotta know Nick" I told her

"So what are you guys doing for his birthday" Chloe asked 

"Diner probably, Kevin fiancé Danielle birthday is two days after Nick  and she's coming into town this weekend so we'll probably celebrate her birthday too" I told Chloe and truthfully I kinda had an idea.

  I went over it with her and a few cast and crew members and everyone was on board for the double birthday celebration.

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