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Demi POV

   The holidays went as quickly as I hoped they would. I was just so eager to be in California with Joe by ourselves. For Christmas everyone was in Texas. Kevin and Danielle where with us Christmas Eve and left Christmas morning to be with Danielle family. We didn't really have extravagant gifts for each other just something simple since we always donate to charity during this time of year. Right after Christmas Nick, Layla and I flew back to California since Nick had meeting and rehearsals we went for a few days before flying back to Texas again for New Years. Kevin didn't come to Texas for New Years. Nick left early that night to be in the city for his show that next day. I stayed in Texas after New Years and I hated it. I hated being in Texas but Paul and Denise thought I should fly back to California when Joe flies back to California so I wouldn't be alone. I agreed so I can be with Madi mostly. 

   Joe and I got to California on the 5th of January after he got done judging for two days for American Idol. We walked out of LAX together and there was paparazzi everywhere. Max was picking us up from the airport. Luckily he helped us out and got us into the car. He was taking us to Malibu since our cars are at the house. Once we got to the house in Malibu Max dropped us off after he helped us take the luggage inside. 

"So I was thinking we stay here tonight and tomorrow we can go to my house" Joe said as he was helping me carry our luggage to our rooms

"Perfect because I gotta wash and tomorrow I have the people choice awards in LA" I told him 

"Oh yea I almost forgot. Is Miley picking you up still" He asked 

"Yes and we are doing dinner afterwards" I said 

"Just dinner" He asked 

"Yes, we both have to be on set early in the morning so she'll drop me off after we eat" I said 

"Okay awesome" Joe said almost out of breath as we carried these bags up 3 flights

"Do you wanna go? what are you doing tomorrow?" I asked once we got to our floor I just threw my luggage in my room so did he. 

"I think I'll pass, I'll let you have your time with Miley" Joe said and I walked across the room

"Okay suite yourself, but I'm thinking of wearing this" I said pulling a dress out of my closet. It was a blue feather strapless dress with a very low sweetheart neck line with a black belt just below the breast area

"Your coming home to me right" Joe said with this sexy smirk

"Yes,.. but Miley and I are not going to go eat in these dresses it be late we'll probably just go to a local burger joint" I told him as I put the dress on a rack close by the closet door as I talked to Joe 

"How are you going to change" He asked 

"They do have bathrooms and dressing rooms" I told him going to my suite case on the floor of my room so I can wash

"Fine whatever but I'll see you before you leave" Joe said 

"What are you going to be doing" I asked 

"I do have a bed to put together before you come back" Joe said and I just looked at him 

"You don't have a bed. I thought-" I began to say till he cut me off

"I bought a bed. I just have to assemble it now" He said 

"We'll you better know what your doing I'm not sleeping on the floor" I said 

"I did get a couch also" He said 

"Both of us on a couch" I said 

"Yea plus how much sleep well we be getting" Joe said with a wink making me laugh 

"Yea,... I don't wanna wash clothes... We have the whole house to ourselves let's have sex" I said standing up leaving my suitcase there making Joe laugh. 

"Im all for having sex right now, but I'm getting hungry. I know mom cleaned out the fridge so there is probably no food in the house. Should I go pick up something what are you in the mood for" Joe asked 

"Umm" I said nervous I hated eating especially in front of Joe. 

"I kinda was thinking Chinese, there's a great restaurant near by that can drop off. What do you think" Joe asked going to my desk top to order us food. 

"Chinese is fine just get me something small I'm going to go shower" I said heading to my closet to get some clothes to change into. 

   After my shower Joe was no longer in my room nor his so I headed downstairs. He had just answered the door with the food in his hand and kicked the door closed with his foot. 

"Need help" I asked walking towards Joe in my pink little short shorts with little white hearts all over them and a small whit T-shirt what bearly covered my belly button. To be honest it might of been Madi shirt mixed in with my clothes. I wasn't wearing a bar underneath and I think Joe can see that because when he saw me he tumbled and almost lost his balance making the food shake around I went and helped Joe grabbing our drinks and anything else I can till we got to the living room where we placed the food on the coffee table and sat on the couch next to each other. He took the food out while I turned the tv on.  

After we ate. We both were really full so Joe wanted to go walk around the beach. The sun was just starting to set so Joe and I both sat on the sand watching the sunset. It was always windy by the water so I didn't want to put my feet in. 

"I'm going to London for a week" I said to Joe I was supposed to be with him for 3 weeks but the last week Paul booked some interviews and performances for me over there since I won't be filming Sonny with a Chance that week. 

"What? When" He asked 

"The last week for a week I'll be back February 1st" I said 

"That's a week less with you" He said getting closer to me

"I know, I think dad did it on purpose" I said putting my hand on his cheek stroking it he hadn't shave in a few days 

"Me to, but that just means we can't let these next 2 weeks go by" He said hovering over me laying me down on the sand 

"I don't plan on it" I said and kissed him hungrily I was tugging on his shirt because I hated when there was space between our kiss/ make out sessions. We did make out for awhile till I felt him start to harden 

"Should we go upstairs" I asked 

"I wanna go swimming" Joe said jumping up and taking his shirt off he was in basketball shorts already so he went straight in. "Come on" Joe said once we re surfaced

"No are you crazy, it's cold and I'm wearing white" I said it was dark already just the light from the hoses made it enough for us to see 

"So it's not like I haven't seen you naked before" He said 

"Joe" I said speechless I didn't know what else to say I didn't want to get in 

"Demi, come on the water warm it's not cold once you get in. Stop being a party pooper" Joe said 

"I'm not a party pooper" I said standing up and slowly walked towards Joe

"See that wasn't so bad" He said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him making me blush. 

"We better not get sick" I said putting my arms around his neck and wrapping my legs around his waist. 

"We won't" He said kissing me

 The kiss escalated quietly. Joe took the rest of our clothes off and luckily they washed up to the shore. I didn't waste no time. Joe was getting me frustrated trying to tease me that I just grabbed his member so I can slide onto him. I don't waste time. Sex with Joe was always amazing it was even better outdoors in a ocean just after the sunset. 

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