Anything for you

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Demi POV

"Hi sweetie" Denise said once I got to the house in Texas. She embraced me into a light hug so she wouldn't squish me and the baby. 

"Hi" I said quietly she Grabbed my luggage for me as we headed inside 

"So where are the kids" I asked referring to Madi and Frankie. 

"School they will be here later. Are you hungry I made lunch" She said and I did smell food coming from the kitchen 

"Yea I can eat" I said as we went to the kitchen

"So how are you and the baby" She asked 

"Miserable how could you agree with them" I said bring up the elephant in the room. 

"I'm the one who recommended it" Denise said as she began to prepare my plate

"What" I asked kinda upset

"Your father called me freaking out he told me everything" Denise said

"But rehab how do we know they are gonna take care of me and the baby" I asked 

"I did my research and I called them I wouldn't send you to some horrible place" Denise said 

"Who knows they may seem nice online and over the phone" I said 

"Demi" Denise said so I dropped it "I also talked to your doctor and he recommended a doctor here in Texas if you wanna go for a check up" Denise said

"I don't need a church up the baby fine, kicking every organ inside me already" I said 

"Yea but don't you wanna know the sex of the baby and a check up wouldn't be so bad you haven't had one in awhile" Denise said 

"Yea but I already know the sex of the baby" I said and she looked shocked 

"You do? why haven't you said anything" She asked 

"I don't want you guys to know yet, but a doctors appointment does sound fine I have a few questions. How soon can we do a DNA test on the baby" I asked her trying to change the subject from the sex of the baby. I wanted to keep one thing to myself and I was gonna keep that. 

"U-um I'm not sure you can ask the doctor" Denise said but she looked confused "so Joe isn't the father" She asked 

"Oh he is I'm kinda hoping he's not" I said then my phone rang again it was Miley. 

"I'm gonna go tell Miley about my miserable life" I said getting up from the table answering the phone. 

   Miley and I talked for awhile I told her everything and she was just as pissed as I was but she laughed when I told her about punching out shorty she was happy I did it because someone had to send a message to Taylor. After Miley and I got off the Phone it was time for Denise to go pick up Frankie and Madi so I went with her. They were so shocked when they saw me like were like two kids In a pool of free candy. Denise let me decide how we were gonna tell Madi I was going to rehab for a few weeks. When they asked why I was here in Texas by myself I told them we'll talk about it later. Denise got us all ice cream before taking me to the doctors appointment. Frankie and Madi had a karate class this evening but Denise let them miss because this was my only evening here I was leaving in the morning. So before Frankie and Madi went to bed I told them I wanted to talk to them. 

"I want you guys to know how much I love you. Both of you" I said they looked at each other confused and I was starting to get emotional. These pregnancy hormones were starting to get really annoying. 

"Once we drop you guys off at school tomorrow I'm leaving" I said and Madi looked sad

"But you just got here" She said 

"I know and I'm sorry. I did some horrible things on tour and before tour. Everyone kinda mad at me" I said I didn't really know what to tell them they were kids how much would they understand.

"We are not mad at you. We love you Demi" Frankie now said and Madi knotted her head in agreement 

"I know and I love you kiddos too. Which is why I have to go away for awhile. If I don't go away I will never see you guys again. And I don't want that to happen. I'll do anything for you." I said to them both

"Where are you going? How long will you be gone" Madi asked scooting closer to me. 

"I'm going to a rehab facility for a few weeks." I said honestly but they were confused

"What's rehab" Frankie asked 

"It's so they can help me with this pregnancy" I said hoping they bough it I don't know Paul and Denise wouldn't like it if I told them for drugs. So I told them the only thing they might understand.

"Oh cool are you gonna came back with the baby already out" Madi asked 

"No no no I won't be gone that long" I said kinda praying to myself. I honestly didn't know how long I was gonna be there. 

"Oh cool like a vacation" Frankie said 

"Yea kinda" I said threw my teeth with the fakes smile ever. 

"I'm sad your gonna be gone again" Madi said 

"Don't be sad, babygirl. I'll be fine okay. Just promise me you guys will look out for each other and have each other's back okay" I said too them 

"Okay" they said confused again. 

"Anyways you guys need to go to bed for school tomorrow and I kinda need to get to bed too" I said 

"Okay Goodnight Demi" Frankie said and left the room. Madi got under her covers 

"Goodnight baby girl sweet dream" I said kissing her head I really did mean it I hoped she didn't experience half the things I went threw. 

"Goodnight Demi. I love you" She said 

"Love you too baby" I said before I left her room and headed to one of the other room I was gonna sleep at. 

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