Chapter 3

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I opened the door to see sona I then hear her ask.

Sona: I'm sort to bother you again but may I come in?

I shrugged and opened the door farther so she could come in she did so I shut it and I went over to the couch as we sat down I then heard her say.

Sona: I'm going to assume you know of magic since you are a lion yokai.

I nodded as I ate my chocolate.

Sona: ok so I used magic when I went back to school after asking the teachers some questions about you I didn't get anything from them until after I used magic on them they told me that you came to them about a teacher that was flirting with you and when you said no to her she's making your life hell.

My eyes was slightly widening with each little detail she gave.

Sona: I went to the teacher in question and she admitted to it after I put a spell on her to tell the truth I was honestly shocked but now that I found that out that she was the reason for you not attending school I had her and the other teacher's that didn't even try to find anything out about this fired.

The chocolate I was eating fell out of my hands as I thought I would cry she believed me.

Sona: I am so very sorry about what happened with her and the other teachers I would like it if  for you to come by the student council's room to get your work that the teacher had graded F's on and that if you need any help then just ask.

I felt a tear go down my eye as I quickly wiped it away.

Sona: is something wrong?

I looked away as I then felt her put a hand on my shoulder as I then hear.

Sona: I know how it feels when no one will believe you I want you to know that until I get all the facts on someone or a certain situation I will not judge I will listen I am hear if you need to talk.

I looked her I always was told that devil's do everything underhanded but she seems so different.

Sona: now then I believe i would like to know why you have been keeping that your a lion yokai a secret I'm going to assume you know you are in a shared devil territory.

Gaul: oh um well I actually lived here all my life.

Sona: oh no forgive me I don't think I was clear I meant why are not living with your sister or parents I had just recently found that bit of information out it's just that being alone in a devil territory that's known for stray devils and fallen angels along with devil's like myself around it without someone to protect you.

Gaul: oh um well that's because my sister is um well about 3 years ago she was appointed to become one of the yokai factions second in command and seeing how this place had just become a joint controlled by devils we lived here our entire lives so she didn't want me to go off to somewhere I never been too so she made me stay here she comes in once every 6 months to check on me.

Sona: *fixes glasses* I see well per school policy if something like this has happened I must contact your parent or guardian which is your sister.

My eyes widened at that as I said.

Gaul: no you don't have to do that!

Sona narrowed her eyes at me as she then asked.

Sona: why's that?

Gaul: *playing with the hem of shirt* uh uh uh well I mean.

I heard a sigh as she said.

Sona: I can take a guess you don't want her to find out you have been living on fast food and chocolate Along with playing games all night long when I was in your kitchen earlier I saw them in your trash can along with all the game cases opened in the corner over there it's not hard to put two and two together.

I was shocked at this she can read me like a book.

Sona: I have already took the time and called her I left a message on her phone that we will have a meeting with what had happened.

Gaul: *anime tears* but I don't wanna die.

Sona: it won't be that bad.

I groaned cause I know how my sister is.

Sona: ok now then in order not to cause commotion with anything I believe on Monday it would be best to probably introduce you to the other devils residing in this town as to not cause trouble in the future since some may take you being here as a treat a few may it is just a precaution.

I nodded I knew she was right it would be best.

Gaul: um sona.

Sona: yes Gaul.

Gaul: um thank you.

Sona: *slightly confused* for what?

Gaul: for not just thinking I was lying when you found out about that teacher.

Sona: it's not a problem oh yes I almost forgot I got a magical signature that felt like a sacred gear awakening would you know anything about that.

I looked away from her.

Gaul:( I know she seems different but I don't want to be forced in to a peerage.) n-no I don't know anything about it.

Sona: (he's obviously lying but I can't blame him I know how some people are forced in to peerage's.) well if you do find out who it is please don't hesitate to tell me.

I nodded as she then got up and said.

Sona: now then I must go.

I nodded.

Gaul: oh ok um thank you for coming over.

Sona: it was my pleasure I hope to see you on Monday.

She then left.

Author: what should happen next?

Author: what skills should he get?

Author: who should be in his harem.

Author: what kind of dungeon should he go in?

Author: should he join a peerage?

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