Chapter 17

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As sona came over to she asked me.

Sona: so why didn't you summon your devil wings earlier?

Gaul: oh yeah I might have forgot about that.

Just then my cheeks was being pulled apart again as I heard her say.

Sona: well then next time don't forget.

I saw sona sigh as she then asked.

Sona: are you ok?

Gaul: yeah I'm ok I'm just a bit shaken up I didn't expect that.

Sona: what do you mean?

Gail: the dungeon said it was a level 20 and the boss was a 150 so it was definitely more stronger then me.

I say rubbing the back of my head as I saw sona's eyes widened at that.

Sona: Gaul if that's true then it should have given you some kind of warning.

I thought about it for a minute until I realized.

Gaul: oooooohhhh so that's why it told me that I might wanna go away and bring back a party.

I swear I saw a tic mark on her head as I heard.

Sona: oh really.

I gulped as she let out a sigh as I heard her say.

Sona: I'm just glad your ok some people aren't as lucky.

I nodded as she then asked.

Sona: hungry?

As she asked my stomach growled.

Gaul: starving.

Sona: *sighs* what am I going to do with you?

Gaul: feed me food.

Sona: *chuckles* ok ok let's go.

Time skip.

After sona feed me we went to the student council since it was the closest to us I was sitting on the couch sona was right besides me as I heard her.

Sona: um Gaul.

Gaul: yeah?

Sona: I know this might be a weird thing to bring up but what's your goal in life?

Gaul: hmmmmmm honestly I was hoping to have a normal life go to school get a job maybe create a family.

Sona: (maybe I can help in this?)

Gaul: but.

Sona: but?

Gaul: recently that's changed so drastically it's not funny.

Sona: then what's your Gaul now?

Gaul: it's simple really to be the strongest.

I saw her so surprised as I then said.

Gaul: that's the only way could ever protect you all from everything I won't let you all get hurt *yawns* I'll fight for you I'll take each hit each kick every single magic attack at you I'll take head and I'll do it with a smile on my face cause if I can pay the people who have helped me back then I would be the happiest person in the world and besides it will bring ddraigs dream true as well.

I started to get tired I laid my head down on what I couldn't tell.

Gaul: *yawns* I won't let anyone or anything hurt any of you as long as I draw breath you will always be protected as long as a fiber of my being exists nothing will touch you or any of my family.

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