Chapter 7

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Time skip.

As I finally got to the dungeons entrance I see this.

Goblins dungeon level 5.

Rewards: 500 exp/$250/1 skill book.

Warning once you enter you must defeat the dungeon boss before you are able to leave the dungeon.

Would you like to enter?


I thought yes as I then saw the entrance give way as I walked in I saw another skeleton with a chest I took it from it and I opened it to see a book I picked it up and I saw this.

Skill book acquired!

Rock shot.

Details: let's the user shoot a magically enhanced rock at their enemies at a fast rate costs 30 mp to cast just say the name of the spell to use it.

Would you like to learn this skill?


I thought yes as I then saw the book glow blue and go in to my chest I then took out my poison orc sword and I used.

Gaul: (expand map.)

I looked and I saw that there was 5 floors to this cave I then used.

Gaul: (minimize map.)

It did so as I then started down the cave as I go down I heard a squeak I crouched down and I saw a goblin it was different it had a bow and a couple of arrows on it's back I used observe on it.


Race: archer goblin.

Level: 7.

HP: 60/60

Stamina: 30/30

MP: 10/10

Strength: 5

Endurance: 4

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Luck: 0

As I got closer to it, it had its back to me I took my poison orc sword and I got up right behind it and I shoved my sword right in to the back of its chest as I did so I took it back out as I then saw this.

You have killed x1 archer goblin you have gained 30 exp!

Added x1 wooden bow and x8 wooden arrows.

You have acquired a new skill swordsmanship level 1/100!

I smirked at this as I new this is going to be fun I don't know why but I could feel something within me I'm getting excited is this what my sister feels when she fights I started walking deeper in to the cave as I do so I heard more squeaking I smirked to myself as I peeked around the corner and I saw 3 archer goblin's I smirked I then ran at them they turned around but before they could do anything I sliced the first one across the chest killing it I then chopped one's Leg off I then jumped in to the air I took my sword above my head and brought it down cutting the last one right in half I then go over and stab the last one in the chest as I took my sword out of it I see this.

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