Chapter 26

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Gauls POV.

As I got to a cave on the outskirts of town I saw this.

Level: 30 cave spider dungeon.

Rewards upon completion.

Rewards: 13,000 exp/ $5,000/ 1 skill book.

Would you like to enter this dungeon?

Note: you may not exit til you complete this dungeon.


Before I could think yes I heard from behind me.

Azazal: it's a late night kid a school night at that.

I turned to see azazal.

Gaul: hey.

Azazal: mind if I join you?

Gaul: your not going to try to stop me?

Azazal: why would I, I'd like to see about a rumor I heard.

He said getting out a note pad.

Gaul: you get a boner over writing down skills I have right?

Azazal: *chuckles* an interesting theory.

Gaul: you that wasn't a no.

Azazal: and it wasn't a yes.

I sighed as he came closer as we walked in to the dungeon I thought yes as the door to the dungeon caved in he then asked.

Azazal: my information leads me to believe we can't escape til you defeat this dungeon right?

I nodded as we went deeper into the dungeon after I while used my map and I saw there was 5 floors to this dungeon I took out my sword as I then heard.

Azazal: oh mind if I look at that sword?

Gaul: I need a weapon so I can kill the enemies in here.

Azazal: that's not a problem here this shall do it and afterwards you can keep it as well I just like looking at magic swords.

He summoned a magic circle as I then saw him pull out a sword.

I took it out of its sheath as I tossed my frost sword to him as I then put the sheath on my back as I then started down the path with a mumbling azazal about the sword of mine after a while I found a cave spider as I used observe on it

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I took it out of its sheath as I tossed my frost sword to him as I then put the sheath on my back as I then started down the path with a mumbling azazal about the sword of mine after a while I found a cave spider as I used observe on it.


Race: cave spider.

Level: 30.

HP: 500/500

Stamina: 750/750

MP: 1,000/1,000

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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