I'll Bring Her Home

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The weeks that followed, Bucky began to spend more time with both Rogers twins. He even had Elizabeth and Steve join his family for dinner a couple of times.

However, he still never felt particularly comfortable spending time with Elizabeth alone. Their relationship was based solely around their mutual love for Steve.

One morning before school, Bucky showed up at the Rogers' household to walk with the twins to school. When he knocked, he heard a weak voice telling him to come in. He walked through the house but couldn't find anyone. He made his way to the twins room and knocked.

"Come in," the same weak voice said.

Bucky entered into Steve's room. He was laying in bed and was obviously sick.

"Hey, Bucky. I don't think I'm going to make it to school today," Steve says horsely.

That was obvious. He looked like the living dead.

"I can see that. I can walk with Elizabeth to school if she wants?" Bucky says.

He hasn't heard anything from Elizabeth but she might be in the backyard. She sometimes likes to water the plants in the morning before school.

"Lizzie left early so she could pick up my assignments," Steve explains.

Bucky couldn't understand the disappointment that sprung up when he heard that statement. He was probably just bummed that he had to take the long walk alone to school.

"Oh ok, is there anything I can do for you?" Bucky asks.

Steve hesitates. He knows there's something he can ask Bucky to do but still feels like asking would betray Lizzie in a way. His worry for her outweighs his guilt in the end.

"Do you think you could keep an eye on Lizzie today? The days I stay home sick, she always acts strange when she comes home," Steve admits.

"In what way?" Bucky asks.

Steve sits up a little in bed so he could look at Bucky better.

"She's really quiet. She also doesn't eat much," Steve says.

"Well, she might just want to stay quiet so she doesn't bother you while you're sick. Also, you have to realize by now that she always gives you bigger portions to eat then herself," Bucky says reassuringly.

"Maybe, but I think it's more than that. Call it twin telepathy but I think something happens on the days I'm gone," Steve says.

Bucky knows that Steve and Elizabeth share a deep bond but he still thinks that Steve is overreacting. Still, he owes it to his friend to check on the person he loves most when Steve physically can't.

"Alright, I'll keep my eye out for her," Bucky reassures Steve.

"Thank you," Steve says genuinely.

Bucky leaves the house and starts the long walk to school.

When he gets to school he greets his friends but the whole time, he is looking for Elizabeth out of the corner of his eye.

He can't find her in the school yard but is forced to head to his first class.

He looks for her in the passing periods but still can't manage to find her. It isn't until lunch that he really begins to worry.

Bucky managed to find Tara Conners whom he knows shared history with Elizabeth.

"Hey, Tara," Bucky says.

She smiles back at him flirtatiously. He would usually make some kind of flirtatious comment back to make her blush but he had a mission.

"Have you seen Elizabeth today?" Bucky asks.

Her smile drops and she looks at him in confusion.

"Who's Elizabeth?" Tara responds.

Right, he always forgets that the Rogers twins tend to be invisible to people like her. Her loss.

"You have history with her. She has short blonde hair and has light blue eyes. She's really tiny and quiet," Bucky explains.

She still looks at him confused. Is he messing with her?

"I'm really sorry Bucky but I don't know anyone who looks like that. Is there any thing I can help you with?" Tara asks.

The flirtatious tone is back but Bucky no longer has the patience for it. He was really starting to worry about Elizabeth. Maybe Steve was right in assuming that something is wrong with her.

The school day ends and Bucky feels like he has failed Steve. The only thing he asked of him is to look after his sister and he can't even do that.

He did everything he could to find her. He was starting to think that she never even went to school. But then where was she? He decides to walk to the Rogers house and see if she was home. Maybe she was worried about Steve and decided to stay home today.

When he got to the Rogers', he opened the door and walked in. He knew that they didn't expect him to knock anymore. He went straight to the twins bedroom.

"Hey, Steve," Bucky shouted into the room.

He's still lying in bed but now has a book open in front of him.

"Oh, hey Buck. Did you walk Elizabeth home?" Steve asks.

Damn it. He was really hoping she was here. He was starting to get really worried. Something seemed off.

"No, actually. I couldn't find her at school, I don't think she was there today. I was hoping she came here to take care of you," Bucky explains.

This immediately sends Steve into a panic.
He tries to get out of bed but Bucky pushes him back down.

"I knew something was wrong. I had a horrible feeling all day. I was trying to rationalize that it was because I was sick but it's something else. She's hurt somewhere, I know it," Steve says.

Steve tries to get out of bed again but Bucky won't let him.

"Steve, she's probably fine. Calm down. Give it an hour and if she's still not home then I'll go look for you," Bucky urges.

Steve continues to fight against Bucky.

"No, I knew something was wrong with her this morning and you talked me down. I'm going now, with or without you!" Steve yells.

Bucky knew there were a lot of reasons why Elizabeth could be late. He also knew that people usually aren't rational about those they love.

"Steve, you need to stay here. I'll go look for her. I can find her faster alone. You're still pretty weak from being sick. Also, how do you think Elizabeth is going to take you being out of bed?" Bucky says.

Steve considers this for a moment. He knows that he won't be much help in his state but he can't stand doing nothing when his sister is out there hurt. But he trusts Bucky and knows that if he says he will look for her, he will do everything in his power to find her.

"Promise you'll find her Bucky. Please," Steve begs.

Bucky could see how powerless Steve felt right then. Bucky knew he couldn't let Steve down.
He knew he would tear apart Brooklyn to find his twin for him.

"I'll bring her home Steve. I swear," Bucky promises.

Steve reaches into his bedside drawer and pulled out three cents and handed it to Bucky.

"When you find her, can you call me?" Steve asks.

Bucky takes the money from Steve.

"Of course. I'll find her," Bucky promises again.

Bucky walks out of the room and he hears Steve give a weak thank you.

He walks out the front door and begins coming the streets of Brooklyn.

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