Like You Said, I'm A Risk Taker

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After the conversation with Bucky, Lizzie tries to avoid Bucky. When they are together, she is friendly but distant.

She makes herself scarce at the Rogers and Barnes households. She chooses to spend her time at the library or with Riley.

In the blink of an eye, it's the holidays again. This year, it's the Rogers' turn to go over to the Barnes.

When Steve and Lizzie arrive, Rebecca instantly pulls Lizzie into a hug.

"I've missed you Lizzie! You hardly come over anymore," Rebecca says.

"I know, I've been busy," Lizzie says.

"Busy with that boyfriend of yours," Rebecca says with a smirk.

Lizzie wonders what life would be like if she did choose Bucky. Rebecca already feels like a little sister and the Barnes are like second parents to her. She knows she would fit in with this family perfectly.

She also knows that she could lose all of them if her and Bucky didn't work out.

"I've been studying a lot too," Lizzie defends.

"Haven't you read all the books by now?" Rebecca says.

"Nearly," Bucky says.

Lizzie turns and sees him. She can't help but let a huge grin cross her face. He pulls her into a hug. This is unusual, they usual don't greet each other with hugs. They aren't unaffectionate with each other but usually when they touch, it has a purpose or meaning. What was the meaning of this touch?

"I've missed you. Stop avoiding me, we need to talk," he whispers into her ear.

She should've known he'd realize what she was doing. She pulls back.

"I'm not avoiding you, I've just been busy," Lizzie lies.

"Ellie," Bucky challenges.

"Jamie," Lizzie responds.

"Dinners ready," Winifred says.

They all sit down at the table. Lizzie ends up sitting in between Steve and Rebecca and across from Bucky.

"Who wants to say grace?" Winifred asks.

"Gracie has to say grace," Bucky says.

Lizzie wants to cry because that is one of the reasons she loves Bucky so much. He always remembers the small things. She gives him a smile.

Everyone bows their head while Lizzie leads them through the grace.

Throughout dinner, Bucky and Lizzie keep giving each other lingering glances when the other isn't looking. The rest of the table doesn't notice but Sarah and Winifred sure do.

They've both known for awhile that their kids were meant to fall in love. It was only ever a question of when. They just fit together.

Everyone helps clear the table and then they head into the living room for presents.

Lizzie and Bucky end up walking in together. Lizzie ignores the shot of electricity that runs up her arm when she feels Bucky's hand accidentally brush hers.

They are about to cross the threshold when Rebecca stops them and points above their head.

It's mistletoe.

Without hesitation, Bucky places one hand on the side of her face. He leans in slowly to place a kiss on her lips but at the last second he places the kiss on the very corner of her mouth. She doesn't know if she is glad or disappointed.

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