Brooklyn Will Always Be Home

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"So when are you getting married?" Steve asks one day at breakfast.

Not expecting the question, Bucky chokes on his cereal.

Lizzie pats his back until he is able to swallow.

"Thanks El," Bucky says.

"I don't know when we'll get married," Lizzie responds.

"Like in a a few months, a year, longer?" Steve presses.

"We aren't even out of high school Steve and you already want to marry me off?" Lizzie asks.

"I just want to know when I should be expected to get my own place," Steve explains.

Lizzie honestly didn't think of what her marriage plans would mean for Steve's life. She's had him under the same roof for so long, it didn't even cross her mind that getting married would mean living apart.

She doesn't want to lose Steve. Things are perfect the way they are with the three of them under one roof. The two people she loves most are with her every single day and she won't let that change.

"You aren't moving out Steve," Lizzie says in a dismissive tone.

"Lizzie, you aren't going to want me here when you are married," Steve says.

"No, you're not leaving," Lizzie says.

Bucky and Steve both know that Lizzie hates change, she always has. They also know that eventually, the twins are going to have to separate.

"Ellie..." Bucky says.

"Don't 'Ellie' me Bucky. Steve isn't leaving me and that's final," Lizzie says angrily.

Both boys caught how she said that Steve wasn't leaving her. They knew she had some abandonment problems with losing both their parents at such a young age. Steve has always been her constant through all of that.

"Lizzie, we can't stay together forever," Steve says.

"Why not? Maybe we won't be able to stay in the same house but at least neighbors," Lizzie says.

"We don't know where life is going to take us Liz, we need to get used to the idea of living separately lives," Steve says.

She suddenly stands up from the table but they can see that she is beginning to cry.

"Fine, why don't you just leave me like everyone else! I'm obviously not important enough to stick around for!" Lizzie says before storming out.

They stay quiet until they hear a slam of the bedroom door.

"I hate hurting her but she has to be ready for the fact that we won't always be together," Steve says.

"I know, you're just the only completely solid part of her life. She has me now but she didn't always. Through every heartbreak and triumph, you were there. I think your twin connection makes everything that much harder for her," Bucky says.

"It's going to be really hard for me too. We've never lived a day without each other. She's my whole world but we have to grow up," Steve says.

"Yeah, as much as I love you pal, I don't know if I could live with you for the rest of my life. It's not like we are getting married tomorrow but it's good you have her thinking about it now. It will give her time to deal with the fact that growing up means starting your own lives," Bucky says.

They both sit in silence as they think about what the future is to hold for the Rogers twins.

"Do you ever plan on leaving Brooklyn?" Bucky asks.

"No, do you?" Steve asks.

"Brooklyn will always be home. If she asked me to leave, I would in a heartbeat, I'd follow that woman anywhere. But if it was up to me, I'd love to live and die in Brooklyn," he says.

"Then let's promise her that we will always stay in Brooklyn. Then, even if we don't live together, we will always be together. It's the best we can do," Steve says.

"I am so glad that she has a brother like you who will always be there for her no matter what," Bucky says.

"And am glad that she'll have a husband who will always be there for her no matter what," Steve responds.

The sit in silence, both thinking how thankful they are for their future brother-in-law.

"I'm going to go talk to her. If I manage to calm her down, I'll send her your way," Bucky says.

Bucky gets up from the table and moves to head upstairs.

"Hey, Buck?" Steve says.

Bucky turns to face Steve.

"Yeah?" Bucky asks.

"Thanks," Steve replies earnestly.

Bucky isn't sure exactly what Steve is thankful for but he nods in response anyway.

Bucky walks upstairs and his heart breaks as he hears a sob through the door.

He used to always knock before opening the door but since they moved in together, he broke the habit.

Honestly, he half expects the door to be locked but is surprised when the handle easily turns and the door swings open.

Lizzie's whole body is cocooned under the blankets but it is sharply moving up and down with her sobs.

He doesn't say anything but gets into bed and holds her.

He expects her to push him away so she can hide her weakness but instead she turns in his arm and grips his shirt as she cries into his neck.

He stays silent because he knows the best comfort he can give right now is to just be there.

She cries so long that the collar of his shirt is soaked through with her tears but she eventually begins to calm down.

"Stevie is the last family I have. What will I do without him?" Lizzie says.

"Don't forget that I'm your family too. My family is also your family, they all love you like you're family. Honestly, most of the time I think they like you more than me," he says.

She gives a small laugh but quickly stops herself. For some reason she feels wrong laughing right now.

Bucky is just happy that he could actually make her laugh.

"I love you and I love your family but with Steve... he's a part of me, a critical part and I'm sorry if that hurts you but that's true," Lizzie says.

"Why would that hurt me? I've always known that Steve was a part of a package deal when I got together with you and honestly I wouldn't want it any other way. Steve is my brother in all the ways that count and I respect the hell out of the relationship you have with your brother," Bucky says.

That's why she loves Bucky more than she could love anyone else. No one can love all of her if they don't love Steve too.

She leans up and kisses him and he can still taste the salt from her tears on his lips.

"Thank you for loving my brother," Lizzie says.

"The Rogers Twins are an easy duo to love," Bucky says.

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